
I was wondering if SwiftUI is ready for media authoring type of app that handles thousands of tiny and huge media files such as image, sound and video.


So I wrote some code to make sure if SwiftUI is ready for that type of demands. Here is the list of my check list.

  • iOS, macOS or both app
  • Document should be packaged (directory) based, because app should be able to manage thousands of files such as text, image, sound and movie.

Then I start working on a demo project called MyPackageDocumentDemo.

Suddenly, I ran into an issue that I don't know how to work around. MyPackageDocumentDemo provide a MyPackageDocumentAppDocument which is FileDocument, but FileDocument provides read and write contents through following methods.

init(configuration: ReadConfiguration) throws
func fileWrapper(configuration: WriteConfiguration) throws -> FileWrapper

However, from these two method, we cannot read nor write access files under document folder. You may use FileWrapper to handle packaged document, but there is no direct access to the directory. I know you can work around these issues with UIDocument by overriding those methods.

override func write(to url: URL, ofType typeName: String) throws
override func read(from url: URL, ofType typeName: String) throws


SwiftUI is not ready for developing some media rich document apps.


  • Xcode 12.2.1
  • Apple Swift version 5.5.2


MIT License