
iOS UI component to be able to select a tool item from category wise tool items

Primary LanguageSwift


xcode swift license

If you are working on some productivity type of app, you may like to provide many tool items. No matter how much you want to add items, the screen size is limited, and many not be able to place all in one line. Also sometime, you may also want to place tool items vertically, not horizontally for some usabilities or design issues.

I run into a situation to develop such a component for iOS, and I spent some time to clean up my code, and decided to make it open source to share my work.

Here is an example of SegmentedToolControl, it is placed vertically, and placed on the right size of the screen. Each segment represents a category or a group, and it contains several subitems associated with the category. Hence, a small segmented control like user interface objects can provide preetty much subitems to select.

Main Classes


It is a representation of a tool item. Make sure image size matches to SegmentedToolControl's itemSize property.

	SegmentedItem(identifier: "paintbrush", image: UIImage(systemName: "paintbrush")


It represents a category or a group of sub items. There must be at least one SegmentedItem in SegmentedCategoryItem.

    SegmentedCategoryItem(items: [
        SegmentedItem(identifier: "hammer", image: UIImage(systemName: "hammer"),
        SegmentedItem(identifier: "wrench", image: UIImage(systemName: "wrench")


You may have to configure SegmentedToolControl by code. Here is an example of setting up this component by code.

    let toolControl: SegmentedToolControl = ...
    toolControl.itemSize = Self.itemSize
    toolControl.orientation = .vertical
    toolControl.direction = .right
    toolControl.delegate = self
    toolControl.segmentedCategoryItems = [
        SegmentedCategoryItem(items: [
            SegmentedItem(identifier: "hammer", image: UIImage(named: "hammer"),
            SegmentedItem(identifier: "wrench", image: UIImage(named: "wrench")
            SegmentedCategoryItem(items: [
            SegmentedItem(identifier: "hare", image: UIImage(named: "hare"),
            SegmentedItem(identifier: "tortoise", image: UIImage(named: "tortoise")

Here is the table of SegmentedToolControl's property.

Property Type Description
itemSize CGSize Icon size of an item
orientation Orientation vertical or horizontal
direction Direction left, right, up, down
segmentedCategoryItems [SegmentedCategoryItem] indicate which SegmentedCategoryItem is selected.
selectedItem SegmentedItem indicate which tool item is currently selected

Target - Action

Just like UIControl, SegmentedToolControl fires UIControl.Event.valueChanged to targets. You can use Interface Builder to wire action, but you must hook value changed to the target.

	@IBAction func segmentedToolControlAction(_ sender: SegmentedToolControl) {

Sample App

This project includes a sample iOS app to demonstrate how to use SegmentedToolControl.


The MIT License