
PHP Extension providing xz (LZMA2) compression/decompression via PHP streams. PHP7+

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


PHP Extension providing XZ (LZMA2) compression/decompression functions.
(see Implement lzma (xz?) compression)

Linux build Windows PHP8 build

Build & Installation


This module requires liblzma-dev (https://tukaani.org/xz/) as well as php7-dev or php8-dev. If you are using Ubuntu, you can easily install all of them by typing the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install git php7.4-dev liblzma-dev

To build and install as module, perform the following steps:

git clone https://github.com/codemasher/php-ext-xz.git
cd php-ext-xz
sudo make install

Do not forget to add extension=xz.so to your php.ini.


Windows builds are now done automatically on each push; you can download them from the build artifacts or releases (after 1.1.2).

If you want to build it on your own, follow the steps under "Build your own PHP on Windows" to setup your build environment. Before the compilation step, clone this repository to [...]\php-src\ext\xz and proceed.

git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/php-sdk-binary-tools.git c:\php-sdk
cd c:\php-sdk

Run the buildtree script and check out the php source:

phpsdk_buildtree php-8.0
git clone https://github.com/php/php-src.git
cd php-src
git checkout PHP-8.0

Clone the xz extension and run the build:

git clone https://github.com/codemasher/php-ext-xz .\ext\xz
phpsdk_deps -u
buildconf --force
configure --enable-xz
nmake snap

Please note that the liblzma dependency is not included with PHP < 8, so you will need to download it manually and extract it into the deps directory.

Copy the php_xz.dll into the /ext directory of your PHP installation and add the line extension=xz to your php.ini or in case of the versioned .dll from the artifacts something like: extension=xz-0eebbf2-8.2-ts-vs16-x64 - omit the php_ and .dll.

Basic usage

$fh = xzopen('/tmp/test.xz', 'w');
xzwrite($fh, 'Data you would like compressed and written.');

$fh = xzopen('/tmp/test.xz', 'r');
$str = 'Data you would like compressed.';

$encoded = xzencode($str);
$decoded = xzdecode($encoded);


May or may not contain bugs. Use at your own risk.