AccelByte Unreal SDK

AccelByte Unreal SDK is a plugin for Unreal Engine.


This documentation assumes that you are already familiar with modern C++, Unreal Engine, HTTP, REST API, microservice architecture, OAuth2, OpenID Connect, JWT, WebSocket.


AccelByte SDK is compatible with these AccelByte Services version 3.2.0


AccelByte Unreal SDK features:

  • Access the API from C++ and blueprint. C++
  • Provides easy-to-use client APIs for:
    • User authentication (access tokens stored in memory)
    • User management (create user, reset password, verify user.)
    • User profile (create, update, view).
    • Ecommerce (get item categories, get items, create orders, etc.)
    • Lobby (chatting, party management)
  • Server API.
  • Supported Unreal versions: 4.25 - 4.26


The classes are categorized as follow:

  • The Model classes are used for JSON deserialization and serialization using Unreal Engine JsonUtilities.h.
  • The Api classes provides interface to C++ functions.
  • The Blueprint classes are simple glue code to provide interface to Unreal Engine Blueprint.
  • The Core classes are for core functionalities (error handler, settings, credential store, and HTTP retry system).


  • /Plugins The actual plugin is located in /Plugins/AccelByteUe4Sdk.
  • /Content This contains example widget blueprints and other asset.
  • /Source This contains C++ source code for the examples.
  • /Documentation This contains Doxyfile and this documentation.


There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things. ―Phil Karlton

Namespace vs GameId vs PublisherId

The backend call it namespace, but since namespace can be many things, in here it's called GameId and PublisherId. They are like AppId in Steam, ProductId in GOG, GameId in GameSparks, TitleId in PlayFab.

UserId vs LoginId vs Username

The backend call it LoginId, but in here it's called username. It can be email address or phone number. UserId is the user unique ID.

AccelByte IAM

The AccelByte IAM is an identity and access management service for online video games.

It is written in Go.

AccelByte Platform

AccelByte Platform is a platform service for online video games.

These modules are written in Java to take advantage of the rich eco-system of libraries, mature development environment and tools, and rapid development and flexibility and customization.

AccelByte Lobby

AccelByte Lobby is for chatting and party management. Unlike other servers which use HTTP, Lobby server uses WebSocket (RFC 6455).

It is also written in Go.

Quickstart Guide

Here's how to get it up and running quickly.


  1. The first step is to download and install Visual Studio 2019.

  2. Download and install Unreal Engine 4.25.

  3. If you want to run the examples, skip to step 7.

  4. Create or open existing Unreal Engine project.

  5. Copy the plugin folder Plugins/AccelByteUe4Sdk to your game's plugins folder.

  6. Add the plugin to your /MyAwesomeGame.uproject file,

"Plugins": [
    "Name": "AccelByteUe4Sdk",
    "Enabled": true

in /Source/MyAwesomeGame.Target.cs, and in /Source/MyAwesomeGameEditor.Target.cs.

ExtraModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]

also in /Source/MyAwesomeGame/MyAwesomeGame.Build.cs.

			new string[] {
  1. Open Unreal Editor and click File -> Project Settings.

  2. Fill out the settings then click on set as default. The settings will be saved to DefaultEngine.ini.


Note: We have halted support for blueprints, new features will be added with no blueprint. Please contact us if you want to use new features on the blueprints.

Supported features:

  • Achievement
  • Could Storage
  • Entitlement
  • Store Category
  • Store Item
  • Lobby
  • Order
  • Statistic
  • User
  • Wallet

Commit Message Standardization

We are following Conventional Commits as a standard to follow for writing commit messages. The details of the rules can be found in the conventional commits website.