
How to use Redux with vanilla JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How to use Redux with vanilla JavaScript

requirement: Nodejs

create a directory

mkdir redux-javascript

navigate into directory

cd redux-javascript

initialize the package.json

npm init --yes

install redux

npm install redux

open it in vs code

code .


node index

node ReducerComplexObject

What is Redux?

Redux is a pattern and library for managing and updating application state, using events called "actions".

Three Core Concepts in Redux

Cake Shop Scenario Redux Purpose
Shop Store Holds the state of your application
Cake Ordered Action Describes what happened
Shopkeeper Reducer Ties the store and actions together




Three Principles in Redux

First Principle

"The global state of your application is stored as an object inside a single store"

we have to maintain our application state in single object which would be managed by the Redux store

Cake Shop scenario - - Let's assume we are tracking the number of cakes on the shelf

// All of the application's state should be stored as an object not as a variable(s).

  numberOfCakes: 10;

Second Principle "The only way to change the state is to dispatch an action, an object that describes what happened"

To update the state of your app, you need to let Redux know about that with an action. we are not allowed to directly update the state object.

Cake Shop scenario -

action - CAKE_ORDERED => action is simple object that contains a type property describing the event

  type: "CAKE_ORDERED";

Third Principle "To specify how the state tree is updated based on actions, you write pure reducers"

Reducer - (previousState, action)=> newState

Reducer : it is a pure function that takes previousState and action as input arguments and returns new state

const reducer(state=initialState,action) => {
		case 'CAKE_ORDERED':
			return {
					numberOfCakes: state.numberOfState - 1

JavaScript App

A simple JavaScript application.

Redux Store (State) :

The state of the application maintained separately in the Redux Store. our application is always subscribed to this Redux store. our application is NOT allowed to change state directly.

One store for the entire application

Responsibilities: - Holds application state. - Allows access to state via getState() - Allows state to be updated via dispatch(action) - Registers listeners via subscribe(listener)


if our application has to update the state then it has to emit or dispatch an action.


Once an action has been dispatched, the reducer handle that action and update the current state.

Redux Middleware

  • Middleware is the suggested way to extend Redux with custom functionality.
  • Provides a third-party extension point between dispatching an action, and the moment it reaches the reducer.
  • Use middleware for logging, crash reporting, performing asynchronous tasks etc.

NPM package: redux-logger

ReactToolkit with JavaScript

Redux concerns

- Redux requires too much boilerplate code:
	- Action
	- Action Object
	- Action Creator
	- Switch statement in a reducer
- A lot of other packages have to be installed to work with Redux
	- Redux-thunk
	- Immer
	- Redux-devtools

Redux Toolkit

React Redux Toolkit

npm create vite@latest react-reduxtoolkit

# select react
# select typescript

cd react-reduxtoolkit

npm install

npm install axios @reduxjs/toolkit