
simple, expressive API for tailwindcss + react-native

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Tailwind React Native Classnames 🏄‍♂️

A simple, expressive API for TailwindCSS + React Native, written in TypeScript

import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import tw from 'tailwind-react-native-classnames';

const MyComponent = () => (
  <View style={tw`p-4 android:pt-2 bg-red-300 flex-row`}>
    <Text style={tw`text-md tracking-wide`}>Hello World</Text>


The default export is an ES6 Tagged template function which is nice and terse for the most common use case -- passing a bunch of space-separated Tailwind classes and getting back a react-native style object:

import tw from 'tailwind-react-native-classnames';

tw`pt-6 bg-blue-100`;
// -> { paddingTop: 24, backgroundColor: 'rgba(219, 234, 254, 1)' }

In the spirit of Tailwindcss's intuitive responsive prefix syntax, tailwind-react-native-classnames adds support for platform prefixes to conditionally apply styles based on the current platform:

// 😎 styles only added if platform matches
tw`ios:pt-4 android:pt-2`;

You can also use tw.style() for handling more complex class name declarations. The api for this function is directly taken from the excellent classnames package.

// pass multiple args
tw.style('text-sm', 'bg-blue-100', 'flex-row mb-2');

// arrays of classnames work too
tw.style(['text-sm', 'bg-blue-100']);

// falsy stuff is ignored, so you can do conditionals like this
tw.style(isOpen && 'bg-blue-100');

// { [className]: boolean } style - key class only added if value is `true`
  'bg-blue-100': isActive,
  'text-red-500': invalid,

// or, combine tailwind classes with plain react-native style object:
tw.style('bg-blue-100', { elevation: 3, lineHeight: 13.5 });

// mix and match input styles as much as you want
tw.style('bg-blue-100', ['flex-row'], { 'text-xs': true }, { fontSize: 9 });

The tw function also has a method color that can be used to get back a string value of a tailwind color. Especially useful if you're using a customized color pallette.

// -> "rgba(219, 234, 254, 1)"

You can import the main tw function and reach for tw.style only when you need it:

import tw from 'tailwind-react-native-classnames';

const MyComponent = () => (
  <View style={tw`bg-blue-100`}>
    <Text style={tw.style('text-md', invalid && 'text-red-500')}>Hello</Text>

...or if the tagged template function isn't your jam, just import tw.style as tw:

import { style as tw } from 'tailwind-react-native-classnames';

const MyComponent = () => (
  <View style={tw('bg-blue-100', invalid && 'text-red-500')}></View>


npm install tailwind-react-native-classnames


You can use tailwind-react-native-classnames right out of the box if you haven't customized your tailwind.config.js file at all. But more likely you've got some important app-specific tailwind customizations you'd like to use. In that case, this package exposes a cli command to generate a style-map which can then be used to create your own custom-scoped tw function, like so:

npx trnc-create-styles

This command will create a tw-rn-styles.json file in the root of your project dir. This file contains the info the package needs to generate customized react-native styles. It should be checked in to source control, and regenerated whenever you change your tailwind.config.js file. Then, somewhere in your app, you just do this:

// lib/tailwind.js
import { create } from 'tailwind-react-native-classnames';
import styles from '../../tw-rn-styles.json'; // <-- your path may differ

// this function works just like the default package export
// except it is customized according to your `tailwind.config.js`
const tw = create(styles);

export default tw;

...and in your component files import your own customized version of the function instead:

// SomeComponent.js
import tw from './lib/tailwind';

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