
  • Node js (v.16 + )
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Nextjs
  • yarn

e2e testing

-> cypress

css writing

-> Styled component -> styled system

api call

-> SWR

global state system

-> Recoil

clean code & code style

-> atomic design

-> pure function

-> custom hooks

-> function component > class component

react structure

component/ --components/home/Title.tsx --components/home/Message.tsx --components/home/utils.ts --components/home/atom.ts

style guide


  • using interface rather than type

    interface ProductCardProps {
      img: string;
      title: string;
      name: string;
      price: string;
      tags: Array<string>;
    type ProductCardProps = {
  • using baseUrl importing module( no need to dot drilling)

    import { Container } from "styles/layout";
    import { Container } from "../../../styles/layout";
    //only use relative path with the current file
    //or child of current file
    import { Container } from "./layout";


  • for , use regular function instead of arrow function

    export default function const Home(){
        return <p>its hoem</p>
    const Home = ()=> {
        return <p>its hoem</p>
  • for <the real function(not related with react component> use arrow function instead of regular function

    const sumNumber = (a,b)=> {
        return a+b
    funtion sumNumber(a,b){
        return a+b
  • Don`t forget to use key for the iteration component

  • watch out using index as a key

//when map data has its own unique id
{ => (
    <Todo {...todo} key={} />

//no unique id on data

import { nanoid } from 'nanoid';
const todosData => {
   return {id:nanoid(), ...todo}
{ => (
    <Todo {...todo} key={nanoid()} />

// only case when you can use index as a key
// 1. the list and items are static–they are not computed and do not change;
// 2. the items in the list have no ids;
// 3. the list is never reordered or filtered.
// When all of them are met, you may safely use the index as a key.

{, index) => (
    <Todo {...todo} key={index} />
  • Memo

Use memo for child components, this will avoid child component re-rendering when the parent component state/props are updated by using this method component will only be re-rendered when it’s props are changed.

  • Component

Always use functional components until unless you really need component lifecycle methods.

  • Functional component custom hooks

Try to use react built-in and your custom hooks where possible, like React.useCallback , React.useEffect e.t.c, And only call hooks at the top level don’t use them inside look or conditions.

Styled component

If you can solve the problem with css , solve it with css .

const Container = styled.div`
  color: var(--color-primary);

const Container = styled.div`
  color: ${(props) =>props.theme.colors.primary};