
An app to manage listings

Primary LanguagePHP

User Management App

Single page app build using Laravel framework. Back-End is powered by REST API with Oauth2 for authentication and Front-End is fully powered by ReactJS.

Setting up project

  • Clone repository
  • Create .env file based on .env.example
  • Run composer install
  • Create database named homestead and update username and password in .env
  • Run command php artisan migrate --seed
  • After running migration command run php artisan passport:install --force
  • All users have password as default password
  • Date and time is stored based on timezone set in MySQL if not using PHP methods

Available commands

Run php server

php artisan serve

Run npm on watch mode

npm run watch

Bundle React

npm run dev


Project URL



Database Export


React Components

React Containers



  • Add more comments where applicable
  • Add tests