
Example configuration for a TYPO3 docker hosting.

Primary LanguagePHP

Example TYPO3 installation for production docker hosting

This is just an example configuration and needs to be adapted for custom purpose. Please keep in mind, that this configuration should just help by getting into the Docker hosting topic.

Build local docker containers

Run this command to build the necessary docker containers.

docker build -t docker-hosting/nginx -f .docker/nginx/Dockerfile .
docker build -t docker-hosting/php -f .docker/php/Dockerfile .
docker build -t docker-hosting/backup -f .docker/backup/Dockerfile .

Generate SSL self-signed certificates (for testing)

Run openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -days 365 -keyout shared/ssl/conf/live/docker-hosting.localhost/privkey.pem -out shared/ssl/conf/live/docker-hosting.localhost/fullchain.pem -subj '/CN=docker-hosting.localhost'

Start Docker containers

Run docker-compose -f .docker/docker-compose.yaml up -d