Custom shape predictor model trained to find 81 facial feature landmarks given any image
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81 face landmarks with Caffe DNN
#16 opened by chezhung - 1
How to generate full mesh?
#15 opened by sevenysw - 3
An error appeared when running the demo
#5 opened by githubcyy - 1
Training Params
#12 opened by imaccormick275 - 1
#13 opened by tetrahydra - 1
how do i get addition 13 landmarks
#14 opened by GeneralJing - 1
Model size
#2 opened by UrstrulyRoot - 4
Question: Surrey Face Model Points
#11 opened by imaccormick275 - 1
#9 opened by zhoushiwei - 3
can't detect small face !
#10 opened by gjd2017 - 1
Whats your license like?
#4 opened by prassanna-ravishankar - 1
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Order of point is incorrect
#7 opened by tfzxyinhao - 2
13 sfm indices
#6 opened by huimxu - 1
creating a new predictor
#3 opened by UrstrulyRoot - 0