
Local environment setup to run Symfony projects with web server and database

Primary LanguageMakefile


This repository contains the basic configuration for a complete local environment for Symfony projects


  • NGINX 1.19 container to handle HTTP requests
  • PHP 8.0.1 container to host your Symfony application
  • MySQL 8.0 container to store databases

(feel free to update any version in Dockerfiles and ports in docker-compose.yml)


  • Run make build to create all containers
  • Run make start to spin up containers
  • Enter the PHP container with make ssh-be
  • Install your favourite Symfony version with composer create-project symfony/skeleton project [version (e.g. 5.2.*)]
  • Move the content to the root folder with mv project/* . && mv project/.env .. This is necessary since Composer won't install the project if the folder already contains data.
  • Copy the content from project/.gitignore and paste it in the root's folder .gitignore
  • Remove project folder (not needed anymore)
  • Navigate to localhost:1000 so you can see the Symfony welcome page :)

Happy coding!