
Embed your whole project files into single existing Dockerfile file with respect to .dockerignore & GZIP compression support.

Primary LanguageGo


production ready

Embed your project files into single existing Dockerfile file with respect to .dockerignore & GZIP compression support

Inspired by @adtac's Gist


  • .dockerignore support
  • GZIP Compression Support (~80% Smaller!!!)

How to run

Install Go to follow the step below

go install github.com/codenoid/docker-script@latest # install dockerscript

cd your-project-which-contains-dockerfile

# generates Dockerfile.script which will contains all of your project files
docker-script -path .

# run the generated Dockerfile

Is this ready for production?

yeah yeah, it's ready, but you may need to test your Dockerfile.script first, you may want to change something