JSONLint is a JSON Linter that allows for comments in your JSON Files.
For use with NodeJS, use NPM
$ npm install -g json-lint
For use in browser environments, include the script tag
<script type="text/javascript" src="jsonlint.js"></script>
// Require it for NodeJS environment
var JSONLint = require("json-lint");
// Run the JSON string through the linter
var lint = JSONLint(json, options);
// Do something with the error
if (lint.error) {
lint.error; // Error Message
lint.line; // Line number in json file where error was found
lint.character; // Character of line in json file where error was found
JSONLint takes two arguments, and throws an error if found.
string json: JSON String to be linted
object options: Object of options.
There is currently only 1 option that is handled: comments, which defaults to true if not set.