DW.miniESP Firmware Support

This is official page of software support from Deaware.

Special thank.

  • Adafruit.
  • ESP8266 forum.

Board information

  • VCC is 3.3V
  • All gpio is 3.3V
  • 10 bits ADC is 0 - 1V.
  • VIN is 4.5V - 12V.

How to use DW.miniESP with Arduino IDE (version >= 1.6.4)

1) Connect the USB to Serial to DW.miniESP

  • Directly plug USB to Serial to DW.miniESP. (Only for 6 Pin USB to Serial Arduino Programmer)

  • Wiring USB2Serial to DW.miniESP following this table. (Any USB to Serial)
USB to Serial DW.miniESP

2) Preparing Arudino IDE (version >= 1.6.4)

  • If you don't have Arduino IDE (version >= 1.6.4) or you have Arduino IDE version < 1.6.4, you can download directly from this link
  • Firstly, Add Board Manager URLs by goto File > Preferences and fill Add Board Manager URLs with the following link.

  • Open "Boards Manager" by goto Tools > Board > Boards Manager...

  • Select ESP8266 by Deaware and click Install.

  • Check ESP8266 is available by goto Tools > Board and you will see DW.miniESP.

3) Uploading program to DW.miniESP

  • Preparing your code.

  • Confirm that your setting is correct.

  • Reset your DW.miniESP into PROG Mode by set the PROG/RUN switch to PROG Mode position like the picture below and press RESET.

  • Press upload button to upload.