Polling system API

This is a backend api for creating questions and adding options to a specific question. Options can be voted. Questions, options can be deleted and questions can be viewed with all of their options.

Hosted link: Polling System API

Documentation : API documentation

Polling system Features

  • Create questions
  • Add options to question
  • Delete a question
  • Delete an option
  • Add vote to an option
  • View a question with all of its options

Installation Guide

  • Clone this repository.
  • Run npm install to install all the dependencies.
  • Create an .env file in your project root folder and add your variables. See .env.sample for assistance.


  • Run npm start to start the application.
  • Connect to the API using Postman on port 8000.

API Endpoints

HTTP Verbs Endpoints Action
POST /questions/create To create a question
POST /questions/:id/options/create To add options to a specific question
DELETE /questions/:id/delete To delete a question
DELETE /options/:id/delete To delete an option
PUT /options/:id/add_vote To increase the count of votes
GET /questions/:id To view a question and its options

Tech stack

  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose ODM