
##Instructions to run the samples:


  1. Run EurekaApplication as a Spring boot application

###random-number-ms (normal microservice that generates random numbers)

  1. Run RandomNameMsApplication as a Spring boot application with spring.profiles.active=random1 -> localhost:9999/numbers
  2. Run RandomNameMsApplication as a Spring boot application with spring.profiles.active=random2 -> localhost:9998/numbers

You should see two instances on the Eureka console localhost:8761


  1. Move to random-letter-ms directory and run npm install
  2. Start an instance on the default port (3000): node bin/www -> localhost:3000/letters
  3. Start another console
  4. Move to random-letter-ms and set PORT=3001 as environment variable (win: SET PORT=3001)
  5. Start another instance on the letter ms node bin/www -> localhost:3001/letters


  1. Run RandomLetterMsSidecarApplication as a Spring boot application with spring.profiles.active=random1 -> localhost:9595/letters
    1. Run RandomLetterMsSidecarApplication as a Spring boot application with spring.profiles.active=random2 -> localhost:9696/letters