cstone.cli (WIP)


# Setup (only once per terminal session)
cd src
dotnet build --configuration Release
$bin = Join-Path $pwd ./bin/Release/net8.0/
$Env:Path += [IO.Path]::PathSeparator + $bin
$tessdata = Join-Path $pwd ../tessdata
$Env:TESSDATA_PREFIX = $tessdata

# Example Usage (provided that you're analyzing Aaron Halo between ARC L1 and CRU L5)
cstone halo --server EU --origin 'ARC L1' --dest 'CRU L5'


Contributing (WIP)

First off, clone this repo (with submodules).

# check that it works
dotnet test

# run the app
cd src
dotnet watch halo --server EU --origin 'ARC L1' --dest 'CRU L5'

Tesseract OCR Training Data (WIP)

NOTE: To reach better accuracy (and speed), we might need to train the model with CS UI

You have basically 2 options:

  1. Download eng.traineddata into /tessdata
  2. Train your own tessdata

Whichever you choose, point you TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable to the full path of the tessdata directory. Do ditch the trailing slash!