
Devops assignment based on Jenkins

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Devops assignment based on Jenkins

Carry out following tasks

(a) Install Jenkins on your computer

(b) Access Jenkins dashboard. Take a screenshot called dashboard.png

(c) Create a github project with C code for some simple work (like adding two numbers) and add a Makefile to it. Also add a Jenkinsfile to it.  Take a screenshot of the github repo, call it  github.png

(d) Create a Jenkins pipeline that uses the GitRepo and does the build of your C program automatically. Setup auto rebuild when there is a push to the Github repo.

If you were required to Write any extra Jenkins code, then write it in a file called  jenkins.txt

(e) Run the pipeline once and take a screenshot of the console-log. Call it console.png

(f) In the above step, take a screenshot of the build history page. Call it build1.png

(g) Push a new change to your C code on github.

(h) Take a screenshot of the auto-triggered build page. Call it build2.png

Submit all PNG, JenkinsFile and text files in a file called MISID.tar.gz.