
Poison, reset, spoof, redirect MITM script

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Performs some of the most famous MITM attack on target addresses located in a local network. Among these, deny navigation and download capabilities of a target host in the local network performing an ARP poison attack and sending reset TCP packets to every request made to the router. Born as a didactic project for learning python language, I decline every responsibility for any abuse, including malevolent or illegal use of this code.


$ git clone https://github.com/codepr/creak.git
$ cd creak
$ python setup.py install

or simply clone the repository and run the creak.py after all requirements are installed:

$ git clone https://github.com/codepr/creak.git

It is required to have installed pcap libraries for raw packet manipulations and dpkt module, for dns spoofing options is required to have installed dnet module from libdnet package, do not confuse it with pydnet (network evaluation tool) module. It can use also scapy if desired, can just be set in the config file at the section [output] > ENGINE.


Usage: creak.py [options] dev

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -1, --sessions-scan  Sessions scan mode
  -2, --dns-spoof      Dns spoofing
  -3, --session-hijack Try to steal a TCP sessions by desynchronization (old technique)
  -x, --spoof          Spoof mode, generate a fake MAC address to be used
                       during attack
  -m MACADDR           Mac address octet prefix (could be an entire MAC
                       address in the form AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF)
  -M MANUFACTURER      Manufacturer of the wireless device, for retrieving a
                       manufactur based prefix for MAC spoof
  -s SOURCE            Source ip address (e.g. a class C address like
              usually the router address
  -t TARGET            Target ip address (e.g. a class C address like
             , can be specified multiple times
  -p PORT              Target port to shutdown
  -a HOST              Target host that will be redirect while navigating on
                       target machine
  -r REDIR             Target redirection that will be fetched instead of host
                       on the target machine
  -v, --verbose        Verbose output mode
  -d, --dotted         Dotted output mode


Most basic usage: Deny all traffic to the target host

$ python creak.py -t wlan0

Set a different gateway:

$ python creak.py -s -t wlan0

Set a different mac address for the device:

$ python creak.py -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 -t wlan0

Spoof mac address generating a fake one:

$ python creak.py -x -t wlan0

Spoof mac address generating one based on manufacturer(e.g Xeros):

$ python creak.py -x -M xeros -t wlan0

DNS spoofing using a fake MAC address, redirecting ab.xy to cd.xz(e.g. localhost):

$ python creak.py -x -M xeros -t -a www.ab.xy -r www.cd.xz wlan0

Deny multiple hosts in the subnet:

$ python creak.py -x -t -t -t wlan0


See the CHANGELOG file.


  • Sessions grouping based on active load usage
  • Complete Scapy support (started)
  • Sessions hijacking (started)
  • Port to a micro-framework wih plugin architecture (75% completed)


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GNU v3).