- Recommended you use node version 18 and later
- Clone project, and install packages
- Setup redis, follow this tutorial.
- Client make request of /api/auth/github to server
- Server responds with payload to indicate next step, payload schema:
link: null, // When there is no token and authentication is not processing, a link to authenticate
processing: false, // when authentication is processing
token: null // the actual token requested if it exists(i.e authenticated)
- If there is link, link directs to authentication page of the server(client-side)
- Client side makes a direct authentication request to nobox core, handing over the process to nobox core, however, a redirection link is sent along side the request, so nobox redirects back to this server on /api/auth/github/callback
- Redirection lands on api/auth/github, with a token, this token is extracted and saved, then another redirection to success page on this same server(client-side)
- meanwhile the client(nobox-cli) make consequent requests to api/auth/github/cal, to verify if authentication was complete. payload returned will look like:
link: null, // if not null, then authentication probably failed, and client should reinitialize
processing: true, // or false if token is present
token: null // or string, when it is available
- Client obtain token, and authentication is complete.
Token is removed (5mins) from cache when client obtains it