
WIP Minimalistic Image Site Generator

Primary LanguagePython


Version 1.0

Create a static site as simply as possible.

Create folders under galleries, add images, create a gallery card.

Then run a single command to generate your site in export/public_html. Run the included server to demo locally on your browser.

The rest you do is your business.

Getting Started

  1. Copy config.example.yaml to config.yaml and make changes as desired.

  2. Install Python dependencies:

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Install Node.js and npm:

    • Windows: Download and install from nodejs.org
    • macOS: brew install node
    • Linux: Use your package manager (e.g., apt install nodejs npm)
  4. Install Tailwind CSS dependencies:

    npm install
  5. For SSH deployment, ensure rsync is installed:

    • Windows: Install via WSL or Cygwin
    • macOS: Included by default
    • Linux: apt install rsync or equivalent


  1. Create a folder in galleries (recommended format: YYYYMMDD), and add a gallery.yaml
  2. Add your images and optional image metadata YAML files
  3. Run bin/refresh.py --all to update entire site, or if run for the first time
  4. Run bin/refresh.py galleryname to add/refresh that gallery
  5. Run bin/serve.py to start a development server with live reload
  6. It is safe to delete anything in export as long as you run bin/refresh.py --all afterward
  7. Run git pull for updates and new features

Gallery Configuration

Each gallery should have a gallery.yaml file with the following options:

  • title: Gallery title
  • date: Date of the gallery (YYYY-MM-DD format)
  • location: Location of the photos (optional)
  • description: Short description (optional)
  • content: Extended markdown content (optional)
  • tags: List of tags (include 'featured' to show on homepage)
  • cover: Filename of the cover image (optional, first image used if not specified)
  • encrypted: Enable encryption for private galleries (optional)
  • password: Password protection for the gallery (optional)
  • unlisted: Set to true to hide from listings (optional)

Gallery Types and Security

The system supports several types of galleries with different visibility and security levels:

  1. Encrypted Galleries (Maximum Security)

    title: "Private Collection"
    encrypted: true
    password: "secret123"
    • Uses AES-CBC encryption with client-side decryption
    • All images are encrypted before transfer to server
    • Always unlisted and never featured (featured tag ignored)
    • Requires password authentication
    • Server administrators cannot view image content, but HTML is clear text
    • Images decrypted in browser
    • Gallery is unlisted and tags are not indexed
  2. Password Protected Galleries

    title: "Wedding Photos"
    password: "Smith2024"
    • Requires authentication before access
    • Content stored unencrypted on server
    • Uses SHA-256 hashing for gallery URLs
    • Listed by default, can be combined with unlisted/featured status
    • Login persists through browser session
  3. Unlisted Galleries

    title: "Client Preview"
    unlisted: true
    • Hidden from navigation and listings
    • Accessible via direct URL
    • Basic privacy through obscurity
    • Cannot be combined with featured status
  4. Standard/Featured Galleries

    title: "Summer Vacation"
      - featured
    • Fully public content
    • Visible in navigation and listings
    • No access restrictions

Additional Security Notes:

  • All gallery and image URLs use SHA-256 hashes for added obscurity
  • Password-protected galleries show a login page before redirecting to the hashed URL
  • Security settings can be combined (except for encrypted galleries which override other settings)
  • Featured status is ignored for encrypted galleries

Image Metadata

Each image can have an optional YAML metadata file (same name as image with .yaml extension):

  • title: Image title (defaults to filename if not specified)
  • caption: Image caption (optional)
  • tags: List of tags for the image (optional)

The system will automatically extract and store EXIF data including:

  • Camera make and model
  • Lens information
  • Exposure settings
  • GPS coordinates (if available)
  • Date and time

See docs/example_gallery/waves.yaml for an example:


The project supports two deployment methods: AWS (S3/CloudFront) and SSH/rsync.

AWS Deployment

Configure AWS settings in config.yaml:

  access_key_id: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  secret_access_key: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
    bucket_name: YOUR_BUCKET_NAME
    distribution_id: YOUR_DISTRIBUTION_ID  # Optional

Run bin/deploy.py to deploy via AWS. This will:

  • Upload new and modified files to S3
  • Remove files from S3 that no longer exist locally
  • Automatically detect content types for files
  • Invalidate CloudFront cache (if distribution_id is configured)

SSH Deployment

Configure SSH settings in config.yaml:

  user: "admin"
  host: "gallery.example.com"
  destination: "/data/gallery/"
  group: "www-data"
    - "sudo chown -R {user}:{group} {destination}"
    - "sudo chmod -R go+rX {destination}"

Run bin/deploy_ssh.py to deploy via SSH/rsync. This will:

  • Sync files using rsync to the remote server
  • Execute configured post-sync commands (e.g., setting permissions)
  • Support variable substitution in commands ({user}, {group}, {destination})

Prerequisites for Deployment

For AWS:

  • AWS credentials with appropriate permissions for S3 and CloudFront
  • An S3 bucket configured for static website hosting
  • (Optional) A CloudFront distribution pointing to your S3 bucket

For SSH:

  • SSH access to the destination server
  • rsync installed on both local and remote systems
  • Appropriate permissions to execute post-sync commands



  • Ensure your AWS credentials have sufficient permissions
  • Verify your S3 bucket exists and is accessible
  • Check that your CloudFront distribution ID is correct if using CDN


  • Verify SSH connectivity to the remote server
  • Ensure rsync is installed on both systems
  • Check that the user has necessary permissions for post-sync commands


Core Dependencies:

  • Python 3.8+
  • Node.js and npm (for Tailwind CSS)
  • Pillow >= 9.0.0 (for image processing)
  • exif >= 1.3.0 (for EXIF metadata handling)
  • PyYAML >= 6.0.0 (for configuration files)
  • rich >= 12.0.0 (for console output formatting)
  • Jinja2 >= 3.0.0 (for template rendering)
  • markdown >= 3.4.0 (for markdown processing)
  • plum-py >= 0.8.0 (for binary data handling)

Deployment Dependencies:

  • boto3 >= 1.26.0 (for AWS S3/CloudFront deployment)
  • botocore >= 1.29.0 (required by boto3)
  • rsync (for SSH deployment)


  • cryptography >= 37.0.0 (for encrypted galleries)


(c)2024-2025 codeprimate under MIT License