This repository contains Dockerfile of Pydio for Docker's automated build published to the public Docker Hub Registry.
Download automated build from public Docker Hub Registry: docker pull kdelfour/pydio-docker
(alternatively, you can build an image from Dockerfile: docker build -t="kdelfour/pydio-docker"
docker run -it -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 kdelfour/pydio-docker
You can add a shared directory as a volume directory with the argument -v /your-path/files/:/pydio-data/files/ -v /your-path/personal/:/pydio-data/personal/ like this :
docker run -it -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /your-path/files/:/pydio-data/files/ -v /your-path/personal/:/pydio-data/personal/ kdelfour/pydio-docker
A mysql server with a database is ready, you can use it with this parameters :
- url : localhost
- database name : pydio
- user name : pydio
- user password : pydio
Get the latest version from github
git clone
cd pydio-docker/
Build it
sudo docker build --force-rm=true --tag="$USER/pydio-docker:latest" .
And run
sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /your-path/files/:/pydio-data/files/ -v /your-path/personal/:/pydio-data/personal/ $USER/pydio-docker:latest
To make sure that share feature will work, go to Main Pydio Option and add :
- server URL : https//your_server_name
- download folder : /var/www/pydio-core/data/public
- server download URL : https//your_server_name/data/public
Great and Enjoy !!