
Tech Blog is a and interactive blog site for techies. A logged in user can add a post, add and delete comments. The backend used a SQL database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tech Blog MVC Fun


For this challege, I wanted to create a full-stack blog site for the tech community. Anyone can use the website to view posts and comments. However, if a user wants to contribute to the site, they must first sign up. Their information is saved and a dashboard is created for them. The dashboard stores their posts, allows them to create posts, and allows for editing of posts. After five minutes of inactivity, the website will automatically log the user out of their account for security purposes.

Built With

*CSS *Bootstrap *HTML *JavaScript *Node.js *Express.js *Sequelize *MySql *Handlebars.js *Express Sessions *bcrypt *dotenv *Connect-session-sequelize

Screen Shot

Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 4 13 04 PM

Website Link





Made by Camille Howe
