
Portfolio + Blog Theme made with @gohugoio

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

How to Use this theme

Create Hugo Project

Hugo new site <project name>

Make sure you have hugo install. For installing hugo check Hugo Documentation

At the root of your Hugo project, run:

git submodule add https://github.com/coder-Aayush/ab-hugo-theme themes/ab-hugo-theme

Add AB HUGO Theme at you config.toml file.

theme = "ab-hugo-theme"

Next, copy the contents of the config.toml to your site's config.toml. Make sure to read all the comments.

Finally, Run

hugo server -D

Note: If you are seeing a blank page it is probably because you have nothing in your content/ directory. Read on to fix that.

Configuring the Home Page

In the config.toml file you can customize homepage.

title = "Title of Your Website"

You can always override all the template in layouts folder

Confugring Paramaters

This paramaters are all over the site. If you don't like confuging just copy & paste as same.

  bio = "I am Hugo Coder"
  discription = "Hola I am aayush"
  author = "Aayush Bhattarai"
  showcredit = true
  favicon = "img/ab-hugo-coder.ico"
  featuredImage = "" # add Featured Image inside assets/images and your path be like images/filename.jpg
  disqusShortname = "" # get username from disqus
  showComment = true # either true or false

Note Add your Images inside assets/images and path must be images/filename.jpg

Social Icons

In your config.toml file add

        url   = "https://twitter.com/"
        icon  = "twitter"
        url   = "https://facebook.com/"
        icon  = "facebook-f"
        url = "mailto:youremail@email.com"  # For a direct email link, use "mailto:test@example.org".
        icon = "paper-plane"

Note: Use Icon From Font Awesome

Creating Blog Post

You can create a new blog post page by going to the root of your project and typing:

hugo new posts/<my-lifestyle-post>.md

Note: You Must Type Posts and Your FileName. If You don't do so, then Your Post is not Visiable

Now Open content/posts.md file and start writing post. Learn markdown Here

Creating About Page and Other Pages

You can simply create about page using this command.

hugo new about.md

Note: Here you shouldn't write posts path. You can also add other file just using this command.


hugo new gallery.md

Displaying Other Pages in Menu/Nav

For Displaying Your other files like gallery.md, Open config.toml file and type

name = "Gallery"
url = "/gallery/"
# add  more same like this...

name = "About"
url = "/about/"

name = "GitHub"
url = "https://github.com/coder-Aayush"

Adding Favicon

Add you favicon at static/img also yo need to add in config.toml file

  favicon = "/img/ab-hugo-coder.ico"

You can also Add Featured Image same as above. This is the confugration for AB Hugo Theme. For more you can see config.toml