Easily change the locale of your android device to automate your end to end tests.
Requires adb to control the application.
Download the latest apk available in the releases (or build the apk).
Install the apk
adb install -R android_locales.apk
Grant the required permissions to the application
adb shell pm grant com.orange.androidlocales android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION
This is required since android 4.2 and changes to settings. More info here.
Change the locale to whatever you want. Example setting fr_FR (French from France)
adb shell am start -n com.orange.androidlocales/.ChangeLocaleActivity_ -e language fr -e country FR
The application does not check if the language et country you pass are valid, and assumes you know what you are doing. If the change cannot be made for any reason, the application will silently fail, and terminate.
Make sure you have all the tools needed to build an android application.
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/softsam/android-locales.git
And build
gradlew clean build
The produced apk will be placed in the app/build/outputs/apk directory.
MIT Licence (See LICENCE file)