
The files extracted from the vscode lit-html extension



What is this?

This repo contains the compiled code from the vscode lit-html extension.


Currently Stackblitz Codeflow only has a limited number of extensions built-in (and this extension isn't one of the few built-in ones). This repo holds the extension in a format that can be installed from Stackblitz Codeflow.


On Stackblitz Codeflow, do the following:

  1. Open the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P)
  2. Search for and select Developer: Install Extension from Location
  3. Enter in the following url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coder0107git/vscode-lit-html-compiled/main/lit-html.vsix.zip/extension/
  4. Enjoy lit syntax


Stackblitz Codeflow

Updates should automatically available in Stackblitz Codeflow when this repo is updated.

This repo

  1. Fork & clone the repo
  2. Open the extension in the VSCode Marketplace
  3. Click the Download Extension link and save it as a zip
  4. Delete the contents of the lit-html.vsix.zip/ folder
  5. Extract the zip to lit-html.vsiz.zip/ folder
  6. Push your changes and create a pull request