
List of All Projects and Repo Link

MIT LicenseMIT


List of All Projects and Repo Link

Project Domains I have worked on :

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Web Development
  3. Android Application Development
  4. Academic Project

Machine Learning

  1. Car Price Prediction
  2. Heart Disease Prediction
  3. Emojify
  4. Malware Detection
  5. Pneumonia Detection
  6. Movie Recomendation System
  7. Covid-19 Prediction using chest Xray
  8. PDF Encryption

Web Development

  1. Weather Prediction
  2. Foodies Restaurant
  3. AI based Chatbot
  4. To Do Platform
  5. Foodies
  6. DOM Game
  7. Budgety
  8. Login Page

Android Application

  1. Weather Application Using Kotlin
  2. Text Recognizer Using Kotlin
  3. Distance Convertor Using Java
  4. Calculator Using Java
  5. Location Tracker Using Java

Academic Projects

  1. American ign Language Convertor
  2. Plagiarism Detection Software