

This is a server (called mlbstats) that will proxy requests for /api/v1/schedule to the mlb statsapi, with some modifications to both the request and response. Requests sent to mlbstats should be sent to the /api/v1/schedule route with two query parameters: date and teamId. In response, it will provide the usual response from statsapi, modified to place games from your team at the top of the list, including logic for handling various kinds of double headers.

date should be a date string formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. teamId should be the ID of a team, as listed in the statsapi on the /api/v1/teams route. That route is not proxied by mlbstats at this time.

Building and running

go build

This will start the proxy server listening on port 8080.

In a separate terminal, an example of a valid request would look like this:

curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/schedule?date=2022-10-04&teamId=115'

mlbstats takes a couple of optional parameters:

Usage of mlbstats:
  -addr string
        The address used for the listening socket (default ":8080")
        Controls whether this instance will use mocked data or real data

If you supply -mock, then it will read schedule.json from the current working directory and use that instead of proxying the statsapi.


To run the built-in tests, simply run go test ./... from the root of the repo.


GameStatusInProgress is currently just using a value that I selected, but it would be good to figure out what the MLB statsapi actually returns for the StatusCode when the game is in progress, and update this constant.