
  1. Php 8.1
  2. Database (Mysql/Sqlite)
  3. Queue DB (Redis/Sqlite)
  4. MailPit (To Catch mail sent to client) or u can use service like MailTrap
  5. composer 2.0+ is required


Clone the project

Copy .env.example file to .env

Install dependencies

composer install

Install frontend

npm install

Build fronted assets

npm run build

Edit configuration file like

  1. APP_NAME="Deer"

Downloading MailPit (If you want to catch mail on your own)

  1. Download binary file from here
  2. Run the binary, it will run over port (1025, 8025)
  3. visit localhost:8025 for viewing mail received
  4. edit .env file to use Mailpit by editing MAIL_MAILER=smtp, MAIL_HOST=localhost, MAIL_PORT=1025

Queue Configuration

Redis as Driver, Add Configuration

  3. REDIS_PORT=6379

Database as Driver

  1. QUEUE_CONNECTION=database

Database Setup

Mysql as db, edit the following config

  1. DB_CONNECTION=mysql
  2. DB_HOST=
  3. DB_PORT=3306
  4. DB_DATABASE=laravel
  5. DB_USERNAME=root

sqlite as Db , follow these step

  1. create a database.sqlite file inside database folder
  2. Edit config to use sqlite by adding
  3. DB_CONNECTION=sqlite
  4. DB_DATABASE=/mnt/d/queuedeerproject/database/database.sqlite (absolute full path to database). Change it according to ur location

Migrate Table Run (There is seeder to seed products in db)

php artisan migrate --seed

Run MailPit in terminal 1 (must be keep running)


Run queue worker to run laravel queue:worker in terminal 2 (must be keep running)

php artisan queue:work

Run Serve (In another terminal)

php artisan serve

Visit localhost:8000 to see website

Stack used

  1. Laravel
  2. Livewire
  3. Vite
  4. Alpine Js
  5. Laravel breeze