
fsPromises.readdir withFileTypes ponyfill https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v10.x/docs/api/fs.html#fs_fspromises_readdir_path_options

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

fs-readdir-with-file-types License NPM version Dependency Status Build Status Coverage Status

Node.js v10.11.0 fsPromises.readdir ponyfill of withFileTypes option.

options.withFileTypes is always set to true and result contain objects similar to fs.Dirent.


npm i fs-readdir-with-file-types


  • path <string> | <Buffer> | <URL>

Resolves: <fs.Dirent[]>


const readdir = require('fs-readdir-with-file-types');

async () => {
    await readdir('.');

// returns on node v10.10
Dirent { name: 'LICENSE', [Symbol(type)]: 1 },
Dirent { name: 'README.md', [Symbol(type)]: 1 },
Dirent { name: 'index.js', [Symbol(type)]: 1 },

// returns on node < v10.10
{ name: 'LICENSE',
isBlockDevice: [Function: bound ],
isCharacterDevice: [Function: bound ],
isDirectory: [Function: bound ],
isFIFO: [Function: bound ],
isFile: [Function: bound ],
isSocket: [Function: bound ],
isSymbolicLink: [Function: bound ] },

{ name: 'README.md',
isBlockDevice: [Function: bound ],
isCharacterDevice: [Function: bound ],
isDirectory: [Function: bound ],
isFIFO: [Function: bound ],
isFile: [Function: bound ],
isSocket: [Function: bound ],
isSymbolicLink: [Function: bound ] },

{ name: 'index.js',
isBlockDevice: [Function: bound ],
isCharacterDevice: [Function: bound ],
isDirectory: [Function: bound ],
isFIFO: [Function: bound ],
isFile: [Function: bound ],
isSocket: [Function: bound ],
isSymbolicLink: [Function: bound ] }

If you do not want to use promises or async-await use callbackify:

const {callbackify} = require('util');
const readdir = callbackify(require('fs-readdir-with-file-types'));

readdir('.', (e, dirents) => {
    console.log(e, dirents);

