🐊 Pluggable and configurable JavaScript Linter, code transformer and formatter, drop-in ESLint superpower replacement 💪 with built-in support for js, jsx, typescript, flow, markdown, yaml and json. Write declarative codemods in a simplest possible way 😏
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`eslint-plugin-putout` with ESLint flat config
#219 opened by abdul-alhasany - 10
how to remove "yield"
#218 opened by retorquere - 10
Option to configure printer overrides from
#213 opened by MatthewScholefield - 2
doesn't work with yarn 4 and pnp
#214 opened by adrian-gierakowski - 3
does more than asked for
#215 opened by adrian-gierakowski - 1
Closing arrow bracket (>) inside React components should not be transformed into `>` automatically
#216 opened by Jabher - 1
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ESLint integration fail
#212 opened by ivanbanov - 4
How to use indetifier name as a string?
#209 opened by artalar - 2
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It it possible to use Putout as Eslint backend?
#210 opened by artalar - 13
🐊 name.startsWith is not a function
#208 opened by blefnk - 6
@putout/printer: Removed useful comma in TS
#207 opened by coderaiser - 12
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Using async functions in replacer
#205 opened by jhpbipsync - 1
how to run just specific rules
#203 opened by krzysztofpniak - 1
putout ignores camelCased paths
#204 opened by krzysztofpniak - 13
babel config is not loaded.
#201 opened by krzysztofpniak - 2
path is missing for ruler toggler
#200 opened by milahu - 5
ignore test files
#199 opened by phun-ky - 15
Wrong transform with @putout/plugin-for-of
#196 opened by sirenkovladd - 4
Incorrect order of initialization of variables
#197 opened by sirenkovladd - 2
Incorrect removing of an expression
#198 opened by sirenkovladd - 4
Question: Reverse mode
#195 opened by enzonotario - 2
[printer] [bug]
#194 opened by grayflow - 3
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convert-commonjs-to-esm/exports not working
#191 opened by ngugcx - 6
Eslint Plugin Relying on Stylistic
#188 opened by faran-tenovos - 2
404 Page of Node v12 link in README.
#189 opened by niranjan-kurhade - 12
Callstack error on version 32.1.x or newer
#184 opened by faran-tenovos - 1
TypeScript interface `extends` gets removed
#186 opened by incleaf - 2
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Getting error for apply-nullish-coalescing
#182 opened by faran-tenovos - 4
Could not resolve dependency when installing latest eslint-plugin-putout
#181 opened by EvgenyOrekhov - 12
How to disable pretty printer
#180 opened by edi9999 - 4
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[Plugin Proposal]: `plugin-speedify` to apply small inline code optimizations.
#174 opened by ElPrudi - 2
`Error while loading rule 'putout/putout': Node type 'TSOptionalType' is not supported yet: 'number?'`
#177 opened by ElPrudi - 2
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[types/convert-typeof-to-is-type]: `typeof` commands used in assignments are not detected.
#166 opened by ElPrudi - 2
[printer] Removes any `declare` of class properties.
#175 opened by ElPrudi - 3
[typescript/convert-generic-to-shorthand]: Creates TypeErrors for intersections with no overlap.
#173 opened by ElPrudi - 2
`Error while loading rule 'putout/putout': Node type 'TSThisType' is not supported yet: 'this'`
#171 opened by ElPrudi - 2
[printer]: `protected constructor` and `private constructor` are fixed incorrectly.
#172 opened by ElPrudi - 2
[eslint-plugin-putout]: `--fix` breaks enums.
#169 opened by ElPrudi - 2
[typescript/convert-generic-to-shorthand]: Fixes an Array of Functions incorrectly.
#170 opened by ElPrudi - 2
[types/convert-typeof-to-is-type]: Insert functions as type guards for TypeScript
#165 opened by ElPrudi