XMeme is a simple MEN (MongoDb, Express, NodeJS) app where users can post memes by providing their name, a caption for the meme and the URL for the meme image as input. Last 100 posted memes could also be retrived by seen the user.
- Give execution to scrips
chmod +x install.sh server_run.sh sleep.sh
- Run install.sh
sudo ./install.sh
- Run server_run.sh
sudo ./server_run.sh
- Run sleep.sh
sudo ./sleep.sh
Note: The app uses Handlebars as rendering engine and no separate framework for frontend.
Endpoint to send a meme to the backend
HTTP Method - POST
Endpoint - /memes
Json Body contains these inputs - name, url, caption
The backend allocates a unique id for the meme and return it as a json response. -
Endpoint to fetch the latest 100 memes created from the backend
HTTP Method - GET
Endpoint - /memes
Error: If there are no memes available, an empty array shall be returned. -
Endpoint to specify a particular id (identifying the meme) to fetch a single Meme.
HTTP Method - GET
Endpoint - /memes/
Error: If a meme with that Id doesn’t exist, a 404 HTTP response code should be returned. -
Endpoint to update the caption or url for an existing meme at the backend
Endpoint - /memes/
Json Body can contain these inputs - url, caption
The response will be just the HTTP status code