
Primary LanguageJavaScript



XMeme is a simple MEN (MongoDb, Express, NodeJS) app where users can post memes by providing their name, a caption for the meme and the URL for the meme image as input. Last 100 posted memes could also be retrived by seen the user.


  1. Give execution to scrips chmod +x install.sh server_run.sh sleep.sh
  2. Run install.sh sudo ./install.sh
  3. Run server_run.sh sudo ./server_run.sh
  4. Run sleep.sh sudo ./sleep.sh

Note: The app uses Handlebars as rendering engine and no separate framework for frontend.

API Documentation

  1. Endpoint to send a meme to the backend
    HTTP Method - POST
    Endpoint - /memes
    Json Body contains these inputs - name, url, caption
    The backend allocates a unique id for the meme and return it as a json response.

  2. Endpoint to fetch the latest 100 memes created from the backend
    HTTP Method - GET
    Endpoint - /memes
    Error: If there are no memes available, an empty array shall be returned.

  3. Endpoint to specify a particular id (identifying the meme) to fetch a single Meme.
    HTTP Method - GET
    Endpoint - /memes/
    Error: If a meme with that Id doesn’t exist, a 404 HTTP response code should be returned.

  4. Endpoint to update the caption or url for an existing meme at the backend
    HTTP Method - PATCH
    Endpoint - /memes/
    Json Body can contain these inputs - url, caption
    The response will be just the HTTP status code