
WebPalm is a powerful command-line tool for website mapping and web scraping. With its recursive approach, it can generate a complete tree of all webpages and their links on a website. It can also extract data from the body of each page using regular expressions, making it an ideal tool for web scraping and data extraction.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Take a look


What is webpalm?

WebPalm is a command-line tool that enables users to traverse a website and generate a tree of all its webpages and their links. It uses a recursive approach to enter each link found on a webpage and continues to do so until all levels have been explored. In addition to generating a site map, WebPalm can extract data from the body of each page using regular expressions and save the results in a file. This feature can be useful for web scraping or extracting specific information.


this tool is intended to be used for legal purposes only, and you are responsible for your actions.


  • Generate a palm tree struct of web urls
  • Dump data from body pages using regular expressions
  • live output mode
  • Export the web-tree to json, xml, txt
  • Fast and easy to use
  • Colorized output and error handling


From source

git clone https://github.com/Malwarize/webpalm.git
cd webpalm
go build -o webpalm && ./webpalm

From binary

you can download the binary from Releases

wget https://github.com/Malwarize/webpalm/releases/download/v0.0.1/webpalm_x.x.x_os_arch.tar.gz
tar -xvf webpalm_x.x.x_os_arch.tar.gz
cd webpalm

if you have go installed

go install github.com/Malwarize/webpalm/v2@latest


webpalm -h
  -x, --exclude-code ints        status codes to exclude / ex : -x 404,500
  -h, --help                     help for webpalm
  -i, --include strings          include only domains / ex : -i google.com,facebook.com
  -l, --level int                level of palming / ex: -l2
      --live                     live output mode (slow but live streaming) use only 1 thread / ex: --live
  -m, --max-concurrency int      max concurrent tasks / ex: -m 10 (default 10)
  -o, --output string            file to export the result (f.json, f.xml, f.txt) / ex: -o result.json
      --regexes stringToString   regexes to match in each page / ex: --regexes comments="\<\!--.*?-->" (default [])
  -u, --url string               target url / ex: -u https://google.com


get the palm tree of a website:

webpalm -u https://google.com -l1 --live

get palm tree of a website and exclude some status codes:

webpalm -u https://google.com -l1 -x 404,500 

get the palm tree of a website and dump data from the body of the pages:

webpalm -u https://google.com -l1 --regexes comments="\<\!--.*?-->" -o result.json"

this will dump the comments of each page in the body of the page

webpalm -u https://google.com -l1 --regexes comments="\<\!--.*?-->",emails="([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)"

this will dump the comments and emails of each page in the body of the page

get the palm tree of a website and export it to xml,txt:

webpalm -u https://google.com -l3 -o result.xml
webpalm -u https://google.com -l2 -o result.txt

get the palm tree of a website and include only some domains:

webpalm -u https://google.com -l2 -i google.com,facebook.com

this will crawl only the urls that contains google.com or facebook.com

threading and concurrency

get the palm tree of a website and use only 5 concurrent tasks:

webpalm -u https://google.com -l2 -m 5

📝 Note that the live mode is working with only 1 thread so you can't use it with the live mode

Regexes Examples

Regex Pattern
emails ([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)
comments \<\!--.*?-->
tokens [a-zA-Z0-9]{32}
password \bpassword\b.{0,10}

Don't forget escaping the regexes if needed


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. you can also contact me on discord:xorbit.

Powered By Malwarize
