
TLE Eliminators 7.0 Level 4 DPP

Primary LanguageJava

Daily Practice Problems Solutions | 12-Week Course

1. DP Beginner
    a. Memoization & Tabulation
    b. Solving standard DP problems
    c. General Technique for DP problems
    d. Complexity estimation
2. DP Intermediate
    a. State, Transition, Space optimization
    b. Identification of DP problems
    c. Solving non-standard problems
    d. Answer construction
3. DP Advanced
    a. Non-integer DP states
    b. Cyclic DP states
    c. DP with bit-masking

4. Range Queries Begineer
    a. Segment Trees
    b. Lazy Propagation
5. Range Queries Intermediate
    a. Generic Segment Trees
    b. Fenwick Trees
    c. Sparse Tables

6. Trees Beginner
    a. Properties of Trees
    b. Traversals and Common Tricks
    c. Binary Lifting

7. Trees Advanced
    a. Euler Tour and Subtree Queries
    b. DP on Trees and Re-rooting

8. Graphs Beginner
    a. Properties of Graphs
    b. Connected Components
    c. Traversals
9. Graphs Intermediate
    a. Shortest Path Algorithms
    b. Dijkstra
    c. Bellman Ford
    d. Floyd Warshall
    e. Disjoint Set Union Introduction
10. Graphs Advanced
    a. DSU problem solving
    b. Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms
    c. Kruskal’s Algo
    d. Prim’s Algo
    e. Problem Solving

11. Strings Advanced
    a. KMP Algorithm
    b. Z Algorithm
    c. Tries

12. Game Theory
    a. Universal Game Theory
    b. Nim Games
    c. Grundy Number
    d. Sprague Grundy Theorem