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Hi👋, I'm Bhavesh L

Charming Welcome Guys!



  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Object Oriented Programming(OOPs) with C and C++

  • 👨 ‍💻 All of my projects are available at

  • 📫 How to reach me

  • 📄 Know about myself - Passionate CSE fresher from VIT Chennai with proficiency in C, C++, SQL, and Python. Eager to make a meaningful impact in the technology industry. Strong problem-solving skills and ability to excel in challenging environments. Continuously staying updated with the latest industry trends and exploring new programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Valuable project experience, both independently and collaboratively, enhancing communication and collaboration skills. Seeking a rewarding position in the technology industry to apply knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm. Dedicated to contributing to innovative solutions. Ready to connect and collaborate with like-minded professionals to shape the future of technology.

  • ⚡ Fun fact I am a Human!


