A Free Open World Database & Schema
Get a copy of the world.db
file. That's it.
Try the world.db
Web Admin demo running
on Heroku worlddb.herokuapp.com
The world.db
includes the following tables:
- countries
- regions
- cities
[add schema pic here]
CREATE TABLE "countries" (
"title" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
"key" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
"tag" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
"synonyms" varchar(255),
"pop" integer,
"area" integer,
"created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
"updated_at" datetime NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "regions" (
"title" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
"key" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
"synonyms" varchar(255),
"country_id" integer NOT NULL,
"pop" integer, "area" integer,
"created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
"updated_at" datetime NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "cities" (
"title" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
"key" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
"synonyms" varchar(255),
"country_id" integer NOT NULL,
"region_id" integer,
"pop" integer,
"area" integer,
"capital" boolean DEFAULT 'f' NOT NULL,
"created_at" datetime NOT NULL,
"updated_at" datetime NOT NULL
worlddb - world.db command line tool, version 0.3.0
Usage: worlddb [options]
--create Create DB schema
-i, --include PATH Data path (default is .)
--country KEY Default country for regions 'n' cities
--countries Use country plain text fixture reader
--regions Use regions plain text fixture reader
--cities Use cities plain text fixture reader
--load Use loader for builtin world data
--delete Delete all records
-v, --version Show version
--verbose Show debug trace
-h, --help Show this message
worlddb at/cities # import austrian cities
worlddb --create # create database schema
Step 1: Create an empty database, that is, world.db
. Issue the command:
worlddb --create
Step 2: Add your countries, regions and cities of choice. For example, let's use the Austrian and German cities and regions:
worlddb --include <your_path_to_fixtures> at/regions at/cities de/regions de/cities
That's it.
The worlddb
command line tool lets you import fixtures (countries, regions, cities)
in plain text. Example:
ca, Canada, CAN, 9984670, 34278406, north america|en|fr
mx, Mexico, MEX, 1972550, 112322757, north america|en
us, United States, USA, 9629091, 314167157, north america|es
wien, Wien|Vienna, region:wien, 1664146
stpoelten, St. Pölten, region:noe, 51360
wrneustadt, Wiener Neustadt|Wr. Neustadt, region:noe, 39940
The plain text format reader skips comments (starting with #
and blank lines. Example:
# Your comments here
Q: Why is Kanada spelled with a K and not a C? Why is Argentina spelled Argentien?
A: Look for the English version. In the German version Canada is spelled Kanada and Argentina is spelled Argentinien.
Q: Why is country X missing?
A: It all started with Sportbook - an open source football pool for the Champions League. Is a club from country X playing in the Champions League 2012/13 season? If, yes, it is included in the first commit.
world.db.admin - A free, open source web admin tool for world.db in Ruby on Rails (version 3.2 and up).
sport.db - A free, open sports database & schema.
Sportbook - A free, open source sports betting pool in Ruby on Rails (version 3.2 and up).
geonames.org - open geo (geographical) database covers all countries and contains over eight million placenames
worlddb - open world database alpha; includes country, region & city names in many languages names and latitude and longitude numbers and country's iso 2-letter code.
countries - world countries; includes data from ISO 3166 (countries and states/subdivisions ), ISO 4217 (currency), and E.164 (phone numbers).
countries - world countries with iso codes, currencies and more in JSON, CSV and XML.
django-cities - python script for importing countries, regions, cities etc. from geonames.org
current-countries-of-earth - python script to fetch current ISO 3166 country info; output as JSON
Ernesto Chapon - William de Melo Gueiros
The world.db
schema, data and scripts are dedicated to the public domain.
Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Send them along to the Open Sports Database & Friends Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!