
These project was initiated at 2013 by me getting inspired from local shop management software. Even, this software wasn't released for public usages. Lots of feature is done in this software making it usable.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Point of Sale (POS)

This software is developed for retail transaction. In this software user can create a shop, add staff members, maintain product stock, can generate receipt, cancel order, can check the overall revenue.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


These project was initiated at 2013 by me getting inspired from local shop management software. Even, this software wasn't released for public usages. Lots of feature is done in this software making it usable.


  • Login
  • Landing Menu Screen - Shop Order, Supplier, Report, New Staff, New Shop
  • Customer Order
  • Maintenance - Stock Management
  • Maintenance - Shop Expenditure
  • Maintenance - Modify / Cancel Order
  • Maintenance - Product Barcode & Customer Receipt

Features Summary with UI

  • Initial Menu Screen Intial Menu

  • Order Screen Order Screen

  • Maintenance - Order View Previous Order List

  • Maintenance - Stock Management Shop Product Stock

  • Maintenance - Sell Report Shop Sell Report 1

  • Maintenance - Shop Sell Report PDF Shop Sell Report 2

  • Maintenance - Product Barcode & Customer Receipts Product Barcode

User can generate custom barcode for the product and use it in the software for maintaining order, stock.

  • Designing ERD Station

  • Work Station Station

Installing & running the application

For running the application in the local environment, below instructions need to be followed

- Install SQL Database
- Run the SQL from SQL folder
- Connect to DB
- Create an admin user
- Create other users using defined role


Built With


We use @git for versioning


  • Biswajit Debnath - Initial idea and Development Work - coderbdsust


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details