
The Weather Dashboard is a simple web app which fetchs data from the Open Weather API and presents the user with today's weather forecast plus the next 5 following days.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weather Dashboard

Welcome to the Weather Dashboard!

The Weather Dashboard is a simple web app which fetches data from the Open Weather API and presents the user with today's weather forecast plus the next 5 following days.

The web app also uses local storage to store the user's previous search entries for easy access.


To access the web app you can click here.

To use the Weather Dashboard the user must type in a city name and press the search button. For best results, include commas after the city and state. For precise city location calculations make sure to use the 'City, State Code, Country' format.

Weather Dashboard showing the weather forecast for San Francisco

As seen above, the user will be given temperature, humidity, wind, and UV data.

The sidebar is a great option for regular users who have locations they like to check on often. Clicking on any of the cities listed there will bring up the current weather data the same way it does when you type it in.

User clicks on multiple cities to see the weather there

Keep in mind that this list has a limit of 10 entries and will remove the oldest entry when you search for something beyond that.

Third Party APIs Used

The two APIs used in this project is Open Weather's GeoCodingAPI and Open Weather's One Call Weather API.

About the Author

Hi there! 👋🏻 My name is Joey Bennett and I am a Jr. Web Developer learning JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and getting more and more familiar with using third-party APIs.