
This is a shared repo between the TBZ interns. Every Subsystem has its own Subfolder.

This is the diagram of the finished product: alt text

In this project the Arduino sends data to a node-red instance. The node-red instance then sends that data to a RabbitMQ queue. RabbitMQ then sends that data to an PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL sends that data to PostGraphQL where it can be read by NGINX This data is then read by React and React-Native for the frontend

necessary links for setting up a whole system

  1. Arduino:
  1. Node-red:
  1. Qingcloud_VM:
  • To get Quincloud up and running you should be able to follow the instructions in the Qingcloud_VM README
  1. Rabbitmq:
  1. PostgreSQL:
  1. Graphql:
  1. nginx:
  1. temperatureapp/temperatureweb:
  1. Ansible:
  1. com.coderbunker.bledemo:

Youtube-Playlist of neighbours