Welcome to the Learning Repository for MilSpouse Coders!

MilSpouse Coders Is Dedicated To Empowering Military Spouses Around The Globe To Find Challenging And Fulfilling Careers In Technology.

This project is hosted using GitHub pages here: https://milspousecoders.github.io/MSC-Coding-Resources/

Website Preview

For those completely new to GitHub, check out the resources here!. Otherwise, head over to CONTRIBUTING.md

A Few Notes:

  • Most all GitHub Repositories (folder containing files for a project) contain README.md and CONTRIBUTING.md files. These are Markdown files intended to describe the project and how people can contribute.

  • Coding is typically done using a combination of a text editor (Atom, Sublime) and the command line/terminal/bash. Most common is the Terminal used with Mac devices. Windows uses Command Line (CMD) and PowerShell. The important thing to note is many commands are different from one system to the other. Command Line Basics

  • Code snippets $ codeToRun
    $ identifies the line to enter into the terminal/command line, don't include it when typing into your computer.

  • Variables are indicated by <variableName> in code snippets. When you actually use the line of code, replace <variableName> with your variable. To make a new folder: mkdir <FOLDERNAME>, you would type: mkdir myfoldername.


Have an idea or see an error? Open a new issue!