Flutter plugin, inspired by battery package, providing detailed information about the device battery (level, health, charging status, etc.). Now supports both IOS and Android.
- Remaining charge time is only available on API level 28 (Android 9 Pie) and higher
👀 Unfortunately, due to Apple limitations can only retrieve battery level and charging status for the IOS devices.
To use this plugin, add battery_info
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
- Battery Capacity
- Battery Level
- Charging Status
- Charge Time Remaining
- Current Average
- Current Now
- Health
- Plugged Status
- Battery Presence
- Scale
- Remaining Energy
- Technology
- Temperature
- Voltage
- Battery Level
- Charging Status
// Import package
import 'package:battery/battery_info.dart';
import 'package:battery_info/model/android_battery_info.dart';
import 'package:battery_info/enums/charging_status.dart';
import 'package:battery_info/model/iso_battery_info.dart';
// Access current battery health - Android
print("Battery Health: ${(await BatteryInfoPlugin().androidBatteryInfo).health}");
// Access current battery level - IOS
print("Battery Level: ${(await BatteryInfoPlugin().iosBatteryInfo).batteryLevel}");
// Calculate estimated charging time
BatteryInfoPlugin().androidBatteryInfoStream.listen((AndroidBatteryInfo batteryInfo) {
print("Charge time remaining: ${(batteryInfo.chargeTimeRemaining / 1000 / 60).truncate()} minutes");