
Scrape clutch.co and get companies information including website, name, hourly rate, reviews, logo and many more details

Clutch Scraper

Interested in using this scraper? Get it here: Clutch Scraper


Clutch.co is an online business directory where you can search, find and decide on a service provider in record time.

Read verified reviews from real business leaders. Browse 280,000 vetted businesses worldwide.

It has directory of 280K service providers from 1,500+ business categories.

You can filter by budget, industry, location and more. You can read authentic client reviews and portfolio examples to select a vetted vendor who can take on your project and deliver results.

Clutch.co Scraper is an Apify actor that allows you to extract data from Clutch.co for various purposes, including market research and competitive analysis.

This README file provides detailed information on how to use the actor, its features, input parameters, and more.


Clutch.co Scraper supports the following features:

  • Search for companies or profiles using keywords.
  • Scrape lists of companies or profiles.
  • Scrape reviews of companies.
  • Scrape detailed company profiles.

By using this scraper, you can leverage Clutch.co's valuable client reviews and market leader data for your business insights.

How much will it cost me to scrape clutch.co companies ?

Based on historical data our scraper costs an average of $0.19 per thousand clutch.co companies as usage credits. You can scrape upto 257,000 clutch.co companies per month with apify starter plan

Input options

You can scrape any company listing page by just copy pasting the URL from your browser's address bar into the scraper's Comapny list page url input field

Clutch.co data Export

The actor stores results in a dataset. You can export data in various formats such as CSV, JSON, XLS, etc. You can scrape and access data on demand using API. For more information, Go to clutch.co companies API integration page.

Scraped Clutch.co Company Profiles

Here is an example of scraped company profile item from Clutch.co listings:

Screenshot of clutch reviews scraping

	"logoUrl": "https://img.shgstatic.com/clutchco-static/image/scale/50x50/s3fs-public/logos/logo_new.jpg",
	"title": "Hyperlink InfoSystem",
	"tagline": "#1 Mobile App, Web, & Software Development Company",
	"rating": "4.9",
	"reviewCount": "133",
	"website": "https://hyperlinkinfosystem.com/?utm_source=clutch.co&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=web-developers",
	"profileUrl": "/profile/hyperlink-infosystem",
	"isVerified": true,
	"minProjectSize": "$25,000+",
	"hourlyRate": "$25 - $49 / hr",
	"employeeCount": "250 - 999",
	"location": "Ahmedabad, India",
	"serviceFocusPercentage": "10%",
	"review": "“The most impressive thing about our engagement was how stable our app turned out to be.”",
	"reviewPerson": "Owner, Wheelchair Rental Platform",
	"serviceFocusPercentages": [
			"percentage": "10",
			"service": "Web Development"
			"percentage": "50",
			"service": "Mobile App Development"
			"percentage": "10",
			"service": "AI Development"
			"percentage": "10",
			"service": "Blockchain"
			"percentage": "10",
			"service": "CRM Consulting and SI"
			"percentage": "10",
			"service": "Custom Software Development"


You can use Make to integrate clutch.co scraper to any other SaaS platform by designing your own automation flows.

Use cases

The Clutch Scraper can be used for various purposes in the context of market research, competitive analysis, lead generation, and more. Here are some specific use cases for the Clutch Scraper:

  1. Competitor Analysis: Monitor and analyze the profiles and reviews of your competitors on Clutch.co to gain insights into their strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Market Research: Gather data on companies operating within a specific industry or market segment to understand market trends and identify potential business opportunities.

  3. Lead Generation: Extract contact information such as company names, addresses, and phone numbers to build a database of potential leads for your products or services.

  4. Business Development: Identify and target companies that have positive reviews and ratings on Clutch.co as potential partners or clients.

  5. Content Creation: Use the scraped data to create data-driven content, such as industry reports, blog posts, or case studies.

  6. Reputation Management: Keep track of the reviews and ratings of your own company on Clutch.co to monitor your online reputation.

  7. Sales Prospecting: Identify companies with specific characteristics or requirements that match your product or service offerings.

  8. Investment Research: Research companies and industries to make informed investment decisions based on Clutch.co data.

  9. Marketing Campaigns: Tailor marketing campaigns to specific industries or companies based on the information extracted from Clutch.co.

  10. Product Development: Analyze user reviews and feedback to inform product development and improvement efforts.

  11. Market Entry Strategy: Use data from Clutch.co to assess the competitive landscape and plan a successful market entry strategy.

  12. Brand Monitoring: Keep tabs on how your brand is perceived by customers through their reviews and ratings on Clutch.co.

  13. Data Enrichment: Enhance your company's database with additional information from Clutch.co, such as company descriptions and website URLs.

  14. Custom Research Projects: Perform custom research projects that require data from Clutch.co for specific industries or regions.

These use cases demonstrate the versatility and value of the Clutch Scraper Apify Actor in extracting structured data from Clutch.co to support various business and research objectives.

Is it legal to scrape clutch.co ?

Our scrapers are ethical and do not extract any private user data, such as email addresses, gender, or location. They only extract what the user has chosen to share publicly. We therefore believe that our scrapers, when used for ethical purposes by Apify users, are safe. However, you should be aware that your results could contain personal data. Personal data is protected by the GDPR in the European Union and by other regulations around the world. You should not scrape personal data unless you have a legitimate reason to do so. If you're unsure whether your reason is legitimate, consult your lawyers. You can also read our blog post on the legality of web scraping

Your feedback

We’re always working on improving the performance of our Actors. So if you’ve got any technical feedback for Indeed Scraper or simply found a bug, please create an issue on the actor’s Issues tab in Apify Console

For additional information you can email us at heycuriouscoder@gmail.com

Thank you for using the Clutch.co Scraper Apify Actor! Happy scraping!