Interested in using this scraper? Get it here: Facebook comment scraper Scrape comments from any facebook post including posts from a person, page, group member, videos, etc
Extract information such as comment text, author details, time, likes count, replies count, etc
- Can access any post that you have access to
- Low error rate
- Can resume from point of failure
- Proxy support
- Customizable random delay ranges
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"is_author_original_poster": false,
"attachments": [],
"text": "I have 10k month free credit plan I am getting this lead with hexofy",
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"comment_count": 0,
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"author_id": "100007103078485",
"author_name": "Nutan Patel",
"author_gender": "MALE",
"author_url": "",
"author_picture": "",
"author_is_verified": false,
"author_short_name": "Nutan",
"author_work_info": null