
A Vue component to show status indicator as colored dots.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A Vue component to show a status indicator as colored dots. This is a fork of status-indicator with a few changes for use it with Vue.


# Install with npm
$ npm i -S vue-status-indicator

# or yarn
$ yarn add vue-status-indicator
<div id="app">
  <status-indicator status="active" />

You can use Local Registration:

import { StatusIndicator } from 'vue-status-indicator';
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  components: {

or Global Registration:

import StatusIndicator from 'vue-status-indicator';

// or with a custom component name
import { StatusIndicator } from 'vue-status-indicator';
Vue.component('custom-name', StatusIndicator);

Usage in browser

In browser you can use Unpkg, Jsdelivr, CDN.js, etc.

# Unpkg

# JSDelivr

Supported Browsers

Latest versions of Chrome/Firefox/Safari/IE/Opera.



Name Description Type Default Required
status Status color for the dot String "" false
pulse Enable or disable the pulse effect Boolean false false


You are able to customize the dot by CSS variables, default configuration is listed below.

:root {
  --status-indicator-size: 10px;
  --status-indicator-animation-duration: 2s;

  --status-indicator-color: rgb(216, 226, 233);
  --status-indicator-color-semi: rgba(216, 226, 233, .5);
  --status-indicator-color-transparent: rgba(216, 226, 233, 0);

  --status-indicator-color-active: rgb(0, 149, 255);
  --status-indicator-color-active-semi: rgba(0, 149, 255, .5);
  --status-indicator-color-active-transparent: rgba(0, 149, 255, 0);

  --status-indicator-color-positive: rgb(75, 210, 143);
  --status-indicator-color-positive-semi: rgba(75, 210, 143, .5);
  --status-indicator-color-positive-transparent: rgba(75, 210, 143, 0);

  --status-indicator-color-intermediary: rgb(255, 170, 0);
  --status-indicator-color-intermediary-semi: rgba(255, 170, 0, .5);
  --status-indicator-color-intermediary-transparent: rgba(255, 170, 0, 0);

  --status-indicator-color-negative: rgb(255, 77, 77);
  --status-indicator-color-negative-semi: rgba(255, 77, 77, .5);
  --status-indicator-color-negative-transparent: rgba(255, 77, 77, 0);


All feedback and suggestions are welcome!


This is a open-source software licensed under the MIT license