A lightweight ui editor for cocos2d-x-lua implemented by pure lua code, less than 10000 lines of code.
- No dependency except cocos2d-x-lua lib (Tested on 3.15).
- Instance Run&Edit on Mac, F1:EditMode, F2:ReleaseMode(Editing node), F3:ReleaseMode, Hot deploy on Android Device.
- Support almost all cocos2d-x nodes and lots of custom nodes.
- 4 root containers: gk.Layer, gk.Dialog, gk.Widget, gk.TableViewCell.
- Completely compatible with ui created by code.
- Layout files are generated as lua code, no parser.
- Screen adapt policy: FIXED_WIDTH, FIXED_HEIGHT, UNIVERSAL(Scale coordinates and nodes separately), support iPhoneX.
- FSM Editor, BehaviorTree Editor;
- Create an empty lua-project by cocos2d-x 3.15.
- Copy "gk/" dir to "src/".
- Init gamekit correctly.
- Build app and run by Xcode, then you can directly run use "runtime/mac/<youapp>.app".
- Create a file and Class named ChatCell, refresh Editor by F1.
local ChatCell = class("ChatCell", gk.TableViewCell)
return ChatCell
local cell = gk.injector:inflateNode("demoapp.ChatCell")
- Auto generated layout code.
-- demoapp/gen/layout/demoapp_chatcell.lua
return {
_id = "ChatCell",
_type = "ChatCell",
height = 120,
scaleX = "$xScale",
scaleY = "$xScale",
width = 720,
anchor = {
x = 0,
y = 0},
_children = { {
_id = "layerColor1",
_type = "cc.LayerColor",
height = "$fill",
width = "$fill",
_children = { {
_id = "bottomLine",
_type = "cc.LayerColor",
color = "f0f0f0ff",
height = 1,
width = "$fill"},
_id = "avatar",
_type = "cc.Sprite",
file = "main/avatar.png",
x = 61,
y = 60},
_id = "nickName",
_type = "cc.Label",
color = "000000",
fontSize = 32,
height = 0,
string = "NickName",
width = 0,
x = 120,
y = 74,
anchor = {
x = 0,
y = 0.5}},
_id = "desc",
_type = "cc.Label",
color = "a6a6a6",
enableWrap = true,
fontSize = 20,
height = 0,
overflow = 2,
string = "[Message]",
width = 500,
x = 120,
y = 40,
anchor = {
x = 0,
y = 0.5}},
_id = "time",
_type = "cc.Label",
color = "a6a6a6",
fontSize = 20,
height = 0,
string = "13:57",
width = 0,
x = 686,
y = 80,
anchor = {
x = 1,
y = 0.5}},
_id = "dot",
_type = "cc.Sprite",
color = "ff0000",
file = "main/dot.png",
x = 95,
y = 93}}}}}
- Dynamic inflate nodes when needed :)
- 3D support, but the cocos3D is too weak :(
- Document.