
A package to keep track of your pages & understand your audience

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A clean way to track your pages & understand your user's behavior


You can install the package via composer:

composer require coderflexx/laravisit

You can publish the config file with:

# linux
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Coderflex\\Laravisit\\LaravisitServiceProvider"

# windows
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Coderflex\Laravisit\LaravisitServiceProvider"

then, run database migration

php artisan migrate

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    | User Namespace
    | This value informs Laravisit which namespace you will be 
    | selecting to get the user model instance
    | If this value equals to null, "\Coderflex\Laravisit\Models\User" will be used 
    | by default.
    'user_namespace' => "\Coderflex\Laravisit\Models\User",


Use HasVisits Trait

The first thing you need to do is, to use HasVisits trait, and implement CanVisit interface.

namespace App\Models\Post;

use Coderflex\Laravisit\Concerns\CanVisit;
use Coderflex\Laravisit\Concerns\HasVisits;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model implements CanVisit
    use HasFactory;
    use HasVisits;

After this step, you are all set, you can now count visits by using visit method


You can chain methods to the visit method. Here are a list of the available methods:

withIp() string $ip = null Set an Ip address (default request()->ip()) $post->visit()->withIp()
withSession() string $session = null Set an Session ID (default session()->getId()) $post->visit()->withSession()
withData() array $data Set custom data $post->visit()->withData(['region' => 'USA'])
withUser() Model $user = null Set a user model (default auth()->user()) $user->visit()->withUser()

By default, you will have unique visits each day using dailyInterval() method. Meaning, when the users access the page multiple times in a day time frame, you will see just one record related to them.

If you want to log users access to a page with different timeframes, here are a bunch of useful methods:

hourlyInterval() void Log visits each hour $post->visit()->hourlyIntervals()->withIp();
dailyInterval() void Log visits each day $post->visit()->dailyIntervals()->withIp();
weeklyInterval() void Log visits each week $post->visit()->weeklyIntervals()->withIp();
monthlyInterval() void Log visits each month $post->visit()->monthlyIntervals()->withIp();
yearlyInterval() void Log visits each year $post->visit()->yearlyIntervals()->withIp();
customInterval() mixed $interval Log visits within a custom interval $post->visit()->customInterval( now()->subYear() )->withIp();

Get The Records With Popular Time Frames

After the visits get logged, you can retrieve the data by the following method:

withTotalVisitCount() void get total visit count Post::withTotalVisitCount()->first()->visit_count_total
popularAllTime() void get popular visits all time Post::popularAllTime()->get()
popularToday() void get popular visits in the current day Post::popularToday()->get()
popularLastDays() int $days get popular visits last given days Post::popularLastDays(10)->get()
popularThisWeek() void get popular visits this week Post::popularThisWeek()->get()
popularLastWeek() void get popular visits last week Post::popularLastWeek()->get()
popularThisMonth() void get popular visits this month Post::popularThisMonth()->get()
popularLastMonth() void get popular visits last month Post::popularLastMonth()->get()
popularThisYear() void get popular visits this year Post::popularThisYear()->get()
popularLastYear() void get popular visits last year Post::popularLastYear()->get()
popularBetween() Carbon $from, Carbon $to get popular visits between custom two dates Post::popularBetween(Carbon::createFromDate(2019, 1, 9), Carbon::createFromDat(2022, 1, 3))->get();

Visit Presenter

This package is coming with helpful decorate model properties, and it uses Laravel Presenter package under the hood.

ip() void Get the associated IP from the model instance $post->visits->first()->present()->ip
user() void Get the associated User from the model instance $post->visits->first()->present()->user->name


composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.




The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.