
Make using Java within Python seamless

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PyJVM - Java bindings for Python

PyJVM uses JNI to give access to all of Java from Python. On top of that it uses Java reflection to be able to automatically discover Java classes, their methods and their fields. The classes are wrapped in Python objects and using them becomes seamless from within Python. PyJVM tries to make the integration as seamless as possible, for example making Java objects that implement java.util.Iterable iterable in Python as well.


You must have a JDK and JRE installed along with the Cython package. The JDK and JRE should be automatically found in an OS-depedent manner, but their location can also be specified using the JDK_HOME and JAVA_HOME environmental variables during setup and when running. pip can be used to install the package once these requirements are met.

Once installed, only the JRE is needed. Cython and the JDK are not needed after installation.

Getting Started

To get started, simply import jvm. After that you just need start importing the classes you want to use from the J module. The J module is the 'master' module and has the entire Java namespace is available under it. For example:

from J.java.lang import System
System.out.println('Hello World!')

Additionally, the java and javax namespaces are also directly importable:

from java.lang import System
System.out.println('Hello World!')

For the most part, the objects should behave as you might expect.

Note: strings should always be unicode, and in some cases a byte-string will end up being converted to a byte array instead of a java.lang.String. In Python 3 this is easy, str is unicode. In Python 2, it is recommended to use from __future__ import unicode_literals which will help.

Starting the JVM

The JVM starts automatically as soon as it is needed. However, once it is started, several JVM properties cannot be modified such as the amount of heap space or enabling assertions. These can be given to the function jvm.start(), each complete option as a separate string. This function accepts most command line options that can be given to the java command line program. It also accepts a few special keyword arguments to make the most common options easier:

jvm.start(max_heap=16*1024)                # start the JVM with a max heap size of 16 MiB
jvm.start(classpath=('~/myclasses.jar',))  # start the JVM with the given classpath

If the JVM is already started, this will produce an error (or warning in some rare cases) and the options will be dropped. The JVM could have been started automatically.

Additionally, you can check if the JVM is already started with:


Note: technically the JVM can be stopped with jvm.stop(), however it is unlikely to be able to be restarted after that due to limitations of most JVMs, so it is of limited use

Besides using the classpath keyword argument of jvm.start(), the Java class-path can be adjusted with jvm.add_class_path(path). If the JVM is not yet started, the path is added to the startup options whenever the JVM is started (through either jvm.start() or automatically via an import of one of the special modules). On the other hand, if the JVM is already started, the system class loader is modified, if possible, to include the class path. The system class loader must be a URLClassLoader, which the HotSpot JVM uses by default.

Java Modules

By default, only the java and javax namespaces can be imported directly. But any name can be added to the list of base module names that it forwarded to Java packages. To do so use the following function:


To see the list of registered names, call:

names = jvm.get_module_names()

Some common base names that might be added would be 'com' or 'org'. These modules try to predict what classes and packages are nested under the package they represent. However, if the JVM (or the user) uses a non-URLClassLoader or the class loader has URLs that are not local files, those classes and packages will not be enumerated by dir on the module.

Java Classes

Within Python the type of Java objects are subclasses of J.JavaClass. Each instance of JavaClass represents a different Java class, and can be used in sine places for an instance of java.lang.Class. When you get a class, like java.lang.Object, this is a JavaClass. The JavaClass objects also act as the holder for all of the static fields, methods, and nested classes. For example:

pi = java.lang.Math.PI                        # get static field
x = java.lang.Math.atan2(4.5, 6.5)            # call static method
J.com.example.MyClass.my_static_int_field = 5 # set static field

One can query what static members are available by using dir:

list_of_static_members = dir(cls)

Besides static members, the JavaClass objects also work as you would except for constructing new objects:

rand = java.util.Random(100)                  # call a constructor

Additionally, the classes are setup so isinstance and issubclass work. For example:

issubclass(java.util.HashMap, java.util.Map)  # returns True
m = java.util.HashMap()
isinstance(m, java.util.Map)                  # returns True

Java Instances

Once you get an instance of a Java object, you can start using the resulting object just like you would in Java, accessing fields and calling methods. Just like with JavaClass objects, you can use dir on the instances to get a list of the instance fields, methods, and inner classes.

Inner classes (non-static member classes) remember which object you accessed them from and calling their constructors will automatically add the appropiate object as the first argument just like in Java. However, it is possible to get un-bound inner classes (via J.get_java_class) in which case the first argument to the constructor must be an instance of the declaring class.

The JavaClass of an object can be obtained using type on the instance. Additionally, the Java instances try to emulate Python classes as best they can. Calling hash(j) on a Java instance will return the value from j.hashCode(), using str(j) on the instance calls j.toString(), and j == k / j != k use j.equals(k) internally. Other types (such as java.util.Iterator) define more Python mappings. See Predefined Class Templates for more information.

Note: unlike in Java, static methods and fields are inaccessible from instances, in Java this only produces a warning (and is strongly discouraged), here it is enforced; additionally, static members are only available on the class that declared them and are not inherited

Java Methods and Constructors

In Java, there can be more than one constructor for a class or more than one method with a particular name in a particular class. This is called method overloading. This is a feature that isn't directly supported in Python, so it is emulated.

Methods and constructors are looked up based on the number of arguments given to them and the quality of conversions that can be done for the Python objects to the actual parameter types of the method/constructor. See the conversion section for more information on the available conversions. It is always best to use actual Java objects when possible, as they can be mapped directly to the parameter types, but this is not always possible, there may be cases when the proper method is not selected properly, in which case you can use the brackets to select a the proper one by its signature. Some examples:

java.util.Date['IIIIII'](y, m, d, h, mn, s)      # selects the constructor that takes 6 ints
java.util.Random[int](100)                       # selects the constructor that takes 1 int
java.lang.System.out.println['java.lang.String']('Hi') # selects the method that takes 1 string

These examples are simple, but hopefully you get the idea. You can specify a single string that gives the parameter type signature or the full method signature (as given by javap -s, with . or / as separators). Or one value can be given for each parameter which is either a string representing the type (can be with or without the L;), or a JavaClass object, or a limited set of obvious Python types (object to java.lang.Object, unicode str to java.lang.String, bytes to [B, bool to Z, int to I, float to D).

Besides using javap -s to find the signatures, the available signatures can be found using an ellipsis in the brackets:

sigs = java.util.Data[...]
sigs = java.lang.System.out.println[...]

When used without the ellipsis, the brackes actually give back a J.JavaMethod or J.JavaConstructor object that can be passed around, and when called, calls the method for the original instance of creates an object. The object can also be queried for its name, signature, paramater types, the return type/JavaClass that will be created, and the object is it bound to (if it isn't a constructor or static method).

When a method is not called or the brackets are not used on it, it is a J.JavaMethods object which can also be passed around and is bound to the original object (if it wasn't a static method). It also can be queried for the bound object and class and name. Additionally, it can be iterated over, yielding JavaMethod objects. Similarily, a JavaClass object can be iterated over yeilding the JavaConstructor objects.

Note: the brackets on JavaClass objects also are important for arrays, see the end of the Java Arrays section

Note: when using the brackets, var-args must be given as an array type, but when called the array will be created automatically if necessary

Methods and constructors can also take a keyword argument withgil that if set to True will cause the GIL to not be released for the duration of the call. There is some slight overhead in releasing the GIL but releasing it reduces the chance of deadlocks. If you have to call certain methods quickly and frequently and know that they won't cause Python to cause a deadlock then don't release it. Example:

myObject.quick(5, withgil=True) # calls with GIL while passing 5 to the method

Access Modifiers

You may notice that when performing dir on JavaClass or Object instances that some of the names have leading _ and __ even though they did not in the original Java code. This is because the access protection is being emulated with Python conventions and makes protected fields, methods, and classes begin with a _ and private and package-private ones begin with a __. They are still accessible, since they can be accessed but the underscores discourage direct access.

Predefined Class Templates

This library uses 'templates' of the various Java classes so that various methods and fields can be mapped to Python features. For example, the template for java.lang.Object maps the Python methods __hash__, __str__, and __eq__ to hashCode, toString, and equals so that all Java objects can be used in dictionaries, displayed, and checked for equality in a natural Pythonic manner.

The other predefined class templates are:

  • java.lang.AutoCloseable implements the context manager protocol, defining __exit__ as close
  • java.lang.Cloneable defines __copy__ as clone
  • java.lang.Comparable defines __lt__, __gt__, __le__, and __ge__ using compareTo
  • java.lang.Iterable implements collections.Iterable by defining __iter__ as iterator
  • java.util.Iterator implements collections.Iterator by defining __next__ using hasNext and next
  • java.util.Enumeration implements collections.Iterator by defining __next__ using hasMoreElements and nextElement
  • java.util.Collection implements collections.Sized and collections.Container by defining __len__ as size and __contains__ as contains
  • java.util.List implements the entirety of collections.MutableSequence including support for slice operations as long as the step size is exactly 1; also has sort and binarySearch methods from java.util.Collections
  • java.util.Set implements the entirety of collections.MutableSet with the operations that create new sets requiring that there is a Java constructor that takes a java.util.Collection; currently this class only accepts other java.util.Set objects using the operations
  • java.util.Map implements the entirety of collections.MutableMap
  • java.util.Map.Entry implements collections.Sequence, pretending to be a 2-element tuple of key and value so that java.util.Map.popitem() and java.util.Map.items() work like expected in Python
  • java.lang.Boolean defines __nonzero__/__bool__ as booleanValue
  • java.lang.Number defines __nonzero__/__bool__, __int__, __long__ as longValue and __float__ as doubleValue
  • java.lang.Byte, java.lang.Short, java.lang.Integer, and java.lang.Long define __index__ as longValue
    • all of those plus java.lang.Number, java.lang.Float and java.lang.Double are registered in the numbers ABC appropiately
  • java.math.BigInteger implements the entirety of numbers.Integral and supports interoperability with Python numbers.Integral values
  • java.math.BigDecimal implements the entirety of numbers.Rational and supports interoperability with java.math.BigInteger, decimal.Decimal, and Python numbers.Real values
  • java.lang.Throwable extends from Exception, making all Java exceptions raisable in Python; additionally __str__ is defined as getLocalizedMessage
    • Other exceptions extend from different Python exceptions as appropiate:
      • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError extends from MemoryError
      • java.lang.StackOverflowError extends from OverflowError
      • java.lang.ArithmeticException extends from ArithmeticError
      • java.lang.AssertionError extends from AssertionError
      • java.lang.InterruptedException extends from KeyboardInterrupt
      • java.lang.LinkageError extends from ImportError
      • java.lang.VirtualMachineError extends from SystemError
      • Extend from NameError:
        • java.lang.ClassNotFoundException, java.lang.TypeNotPresentException
      • Extend from AttributeError:
        • java.lang.IllegalAccessException, java.lang.NoSuchFieldError, java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
      • Extend from TypeError:
        • java.lang.ClassCastException, java.lang.ArrayStoreException, java.lang.InstantiationException, java.lang.IllegalStateException, java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException, java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
      • Extend from ValueError:
        • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException, java.lang.NullPointerException, java.lang.EnumConstantNotPresentException
      • Extend from IndexError:
        • java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException, java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException, java.util.EmptyStackException, java.nio.BufferOverflowException', java.nio.BufferUnderflowException
      • java.util.NoSuchElementException extends from StopIteration
      • Extend from IOError:
        • java.io.IOException, java.io.IOError
      • java.io.EOFException extends from EOFError
      • Extend from UnicodeError:
        • java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException, java.nio.charset.CoderMalfunctionError, java.io.UTFDataFormatException, java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException, java.io.CharConversionException

Custom Class Templates

You can define additional class templates as well. One limitation though is that the class template must be defined before the Java class is ever used. To create a class template, create a new Python class that uses the @jvm.template(class_name) decoractor. For example, the class template for java.lang.Iterable could be made as follows:

class Iterable: # Python 2: must be a new-style class
    def __iter__(self): return self.iterator()

Internally this is setting the metaclass to JavaClass and adding a __java_class_name__ field which is an alternative to using the @jvm.template decorator.

The metaclass handles many aspects of the base classes for you. It will automatically add the superclass and any interfaces as bases if you do not include them. If you include a superclass, it doesn't even need to be the right one, it just needs to be a superclass (so just putting in java.lang.Object is usually good). The interfaces need to be correct however. If the template is for an interface, a superclass cannot be given.

The base classes of the template can become tricky if the template class is also extending a Python class. In this case, the real superclass is added to the list of base classes wherever the superclass is placed, or at the end of the list of bases if it wasn't included at all. Interfaces are also placed where they are listed, or at the very end if not listed at all.

Note: class templates only effect the classes/objects as they appear in Python and have no influence on the Java code itself

Note: if the class has already be used before you get a chance to create a template for it, the custom class template can still be created by monkey-patching the JavaClass object for the class, for example super(type(java.lang.Iterable), java.lang.Iterable).__setattr__('__iter__', lambda self : self.iterator() would accomplish the same thing as above. The convoluted attribute setting is due to JavaClass using __setattr__ for setting static fields.

Automatic Conversion

PyJVM automatically converts arguments when calling Java methods and when setting a Java field value. If the method argument or field value is a primitive, the conversions follow these conversions:

  • If the target is boolean, uses the result of converting the object to a bool, however methods will only accept bool, java.lang.Boolean, and objects that define __nonzero__ or __bool__ as boolean arguments
  • If the target is byte, then it will convert a length-1 bytes or bytearray or the result of converting the object to an int (excluding strings) if the value is within -128 to 127
  • If the target is char, then it will convert a length-1 unicode string or the result of converting the object to an int (excluding strings) if the value is within 0 to 65535 (the unicode string is preferred)
  • If the target is a short, int, or long, uses the result of converting the object to an int (excluding strings) if the value is within the primitive type's range
  • If the target is a float or double, uses the result of converting the object to a float (the target being a double is preferred)

Since the class templates for the primitive wrappers (e.g. java.lang.Byte) define the necessary numerical conversion methods, they will automatically be unboxed if necessary.

Non-primitive conversion is a bit more complicated. The best way to ensure that the object is converted correctly is to make sure that it is a Python-wrapped Java object already. Otherwise, a list of converters is checked in order, and each one of them rates the quality of conversion they can perform from the Python object to the target Java class. The converter that reports that it can give the best quality conversion is used to convert the object.

The built-in object conversions are (in the order they are checked):

  • None to null
  • A Java-wrapped object, as long as it can be cast to the target
  • JavaClass to java.lang.Class
  • unicode string to an instance of java.lang.Enum
  • unicode string to java.lang.String
  • unicode string with a length of 1 to java.lang.Character
  • unicode string to char[]
  • auto-boxing:
    • bool or any Python object that has __nonzero__ or __bool__ to java.lang.Boolean
    • numbers.Integral types (e.g. int/long) to java.lang.Byte, java.lang.Character, java.lang.Short, java.lang.Integer, or java.lang.Long as long as the value fits in the range of the target type; converting to Character is less preferable here
    • numbers.Real types (e.g. float) to java.lang.Float or java.lang.Double (prefers doubles)
  • numbers.Integral to java.math.BigInteger
  • decimal.Decimal and numbers.Real to java.math.BigDecimal
  • decimal.Context to java.math.MathContext
  • datetime.date and datetime.datetime to java.util.Date
  • bytes with a length of 1 to java.lang.Byte
  • bytes to [B
  • bytes to java.lang.String (only in Python 3, strongly prefer other conversions though)
  • bytearray with a length of 1 to java.lang.Byte
  • bytearray to [B
  • array.array to a primitive array of the same type as given by the array's typecode and itemsize
  • buffer-object or memoryview to a primitive array of the same type as given by the buffer's format and itemsize

After the built-in converters are checked, custom converters are checked as well. A custom converter is added with the function jvm.register_converter. This function takes a Python type, a JavaClass, and a callable. The given callable takes the Python object to be converted and the JavaClass we would like to convert to. The Python object to be converted is guaranteed to be an instance of the Python type given to register_converter (which can be None to not pre-filter based on the Python object's type) and the JavaClass is a the same as or a subclass of the JavaClass given to register_converter (which also can be None to not pre-filter based on the target Java class). Given this information, the callable must return a quality and another callable for converting the Python object to the target Java class. The quality is a number from -1 to 100 which is the predicted quality of the conversion that would take place. A value of -1 means the conversion cannot be done at all and a value of 100 means a perfect conversion (which should be used sparingly). The converter callable takes a single argument of a Python object and returns a Python-wrapped Java object of the appropiate class.

When calling a group of Java methods (because there are several overloaded methods have the same name in a class), the arguments are checked against each method and the overall best quality matching conversion is used. If two methods tie for the best, an error is raised stating that it is an ambiguous method call (which can be resolved using the [] on the group of methods). The return type of methods is never taken into account. If a single value matches the component type of a var-args argument, it is slightly less preferred to matching the single value to just its component type.

So far this has all been about Python to Java conversions. The opposite direction is also handled, but in a much simpler way and is not extensible. The following conversions are done:

  • boolean to bool
  • char to length-1 unicode string
  • byte/short/int/long to int or long based on value
  • float/double to float
  • null to None (void methods return None as well)
  • java.lang.String to unicode string

All other Java objects are simply wrapped in a Python wrapper, which due to class templates, can be very Python-like objects.

Note: since java.lang.String objects are always converted to unicode strings, it is impossible to ever have a Python-wrapped instance of a Java string

Java Arrays

Java arrays fall into two different categories: primitive and reference. They support the basic length property and clone method available in Java:

  • arr.length - the length of the array
  • x = arr.clone() - create a shallow copy of the array

When wrapped in Python they both support the following basic Python sequence methods:

  • len(arr) - also the length of the array

  • x = arr[i] - get a single item from the list

  • arr[i] = x - set a single item in the list

  • iter(arr) - iterate over the values of the array

  • reversed(arr) - iterate over the values of the array in reverse order

  • x in arr - check if a value is in the array

  • arr.index(x, [start], [stop]) - find the index of a value in the array

  • arr.count(x) - get the number of occurences of the value in the array

  • arr.reverse() - reverse the values in the array

  • a = arr[i:j]

    Creates a copy of a portion of the array, step must be 1. Unlike in Python if j is greater than the length of the array, the resulting copy is extending and includes extra 0/false/nulls to emulate the behavior of java.util.Arrays.copyOf, however negative indices still operate like in Python. As an extension of this a = arr[:] will make a complete copy of the array.

  • arr[i:j] = x

    Set the values from i (inclusive) to j (exclusive) to the value(s) of x. If x is a scalar (single value) then the values are all filled in with the same value x. The length of x must be appropiate to fill in all of the data. For reference arrays, x can be another Java array of the same type or a sequence. For primitive array, x can also be bytes/bytearray, an array.array with an equivilent typecode or 'B', a writable buffer-object or memoryview of the same type or bytes, a unciode string (if arr is a char array).

They also support several methods to convert to Python objects:

  • arr.tolist([start], [stop], [deep])

    Copies data to a new list, for reference arrays if deep is False, nested arrays will not be converted to lists as well.

  • arr.tobytearray([start], [stop]) (primitve arrays only)

    Copies data to a new bytearray, for primitives that aren't byte the native byte are written directly, in the native byte order.

  • arr.tobytes([start], [stop]) (primitve arrays only)

    Copies data to a new bytes, for primitives that aren't byte the native byte are written directly, in the native byte order.

  • arr.toarray([start], [stop]) (primitve arrays only)

    Copies data to a new array.array which is given a typecode appropiate for the Java primitive type. In cases when there is no appropiate typecode, a 'B' is used.

  • arr.tounicode([start], [stop]) (char arrays only)

    Copies data to new unicode string.

  • arr.copyto(dst, [start], [stop], [dst_off])

    Copies the data from arr[start:stop] to dst[dst_off:dst_off+stop-start]. dst can be a Java array of the same type. If arr is a primitive array, dst can also be bytearray, array.array with an equivilent typecode or 'B', or a writable buffer-object or memoryview of the same type or bytes. If dst uses bytes then the data is copied to dst[dst_off:dst_off+sizeof(primitiveType)*(stop-start)] (notably the dst_off is used as-is).

  • arr.copyfrom(src, [start], [stop], [src_off])

    Copies the data to arr[start:stop] from src[src_off:src_off+stop-start]. src can be a Java array of the same type. If arr is a primitive array, src can also be bytearray, bytes, unicode (if arr is a char array), array.array with an equivilent typecode or 'B', a writable buffer-object or memoryview of the same type or bytes, or a sequence-like object. If src uses bytes then the data is copied from src[src_off:src_off+sizeof(primitiveType)*(stop-start)] (notably the src_off is used as-is).

They also support several methods that utilize or emulate the functions in java.util.Arrays:

  • arr.binarySearch(key, [fromIndex], [toIndex], [c])

    Calls java.util.Arrays.binarySearch on the array. Assumes the array is sorted. The c parameter is only valid for reference arrays.

  • arr.sort([fromIndex], [toIndex], [c])

    Calls java.util.Arrays.sort on the array. Sorts the array in-place. The c parameter is only valid for reference arrays. Note that unlike the standard Python sort function, this does not take key or reverse arguments.

  • hash(arr)

    Calls java.util.Arrays.hashCode for primitive arrays and java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode for reference arrays.

  • arr == other and arr != other

    Call java.util.Arrays.equals for primitive arrays and java.util.Arrays.deepEquals for reference arrays.

  • str(arr)

    Calls java.util.Arrays.toString for primitive arrays and java.util.Arrays.deepToString for reference arrays.

  • fill can be done with arr[i:j]=x, copyOf and copyOfRange can be done with a=arr[i:j] ` They reference arrays have a few other methods from java.util.Arrays to be able to choose between deep or shallow usage or specify a different type:

  • arr.hashCode([deep]) - calls java.util.Arrays.hashCode or java.util.Arrays.deepHashCode

  • arr.equals(other, [deep]) - calls java.util.Arrays.equals or java.util.Arrays.deepEquals

  • arr.toString([deep]) - calls java.util.Arrays.toString or java.util.Arrays.deepToString

  • arr.copyOf([from_], [to], [newType])

    Copies the array, converting the component type of the array to newType. If newType is not given, it is equivilent to arr[from_:to].

Additionally, primitive arrays support the buffer protocol so Numpy arrays and memoryviews can directly read the data. Note however there are some limitations to this due ot how the JVM handles arrays:

  • The old buffer protocol is supported in Python v2.7 through the __buffer__ attribute, which allows Numpy to use it directly and also with buffer(arr.__buffer__)
  • The new buffer protocol is always supported naturally, which Numpy and buffer use in Python v3 and always by memoryview
  • Both of them support writable buffers, however the writes likely won't show up in the Java array until the buffer is released

While all of these features help you if you can get an array back from a Java method, but what if you need to create an array yourself? Well, there is a separate method for each of the primitive types and the reference, or object, array type in the J module.

  • J.boolean_array(*args)

  • J.byte_array(*args)

  • J.char_array(*args)

  • J.short_array(*args)

  • J.int_array(*args)

  • J.long_array(*args)

  • J.float_array(*args)

  • J.double_array(*args)

    Primitive arrays can be constructed from several different sources. If the method is not given any arguments, then a length-0 array is created. For a single argument, the following values are acceptable:

    • integer - creates a length-n array
    • Java array of same primitive type - creates a copy of the array
    • array.array of an appropiate typecode of 'B' - creates an array with a copy of data
    • bytes/bytearray - creates an array with a copy of data
    • unicode string - creates an array with a copy of data (only with char_array)
    • buffer-object or memoryview of same data type or bytes - creates an array with a copy of data
    • sequence - creates an array containing each element converted

    If more than one argument is given, then it is treated as a sequence and each element is converted.

  • J.object_array(*args, type=java.lang.Object)

    Reference arrays support a more limited set of sources then primitive arrays. The argument type must be given as a keyword argument and specifies the component type of the reference array. If there are no arguments besides type then a length-0 array is created. For a single argument, the following values are acceptable:

    • integer - creates a length-n array is created
    • Java array of a compatible component type - creates a copy with a possibly new component type
    • sequence - creates an array containing each element converted

    If more than one argument is given, then it is treated as a sequence and each element is converted.

Additionally, object arrays can be created using the component type, the following example creates a 9-element array containing java.lang.Objects:

arr = java.lang.Object[9]

The class of the array can be obtained with an empty slice:

cls = java.lang.Object[:]  # approximately the Java code `Class<Object[]> cls = Object[].class;`

Note: when using dir on Java arrays, only the methods defined in java.lang.Object show up, all of the methods and fields listed above must be used directly without introspection

Note: most array methods will automatically release the GIL if the array is large enough but not for smaller arrays.

Extending Java Classes

Besides being able to use Java classes and methods in Python, PyJVM also allows extending Java classes and implementing Java interfaces with Python classes. This allows having "callbacks" by implementing abstract methods. Extension classes are defined using a set of decorators on methods and on the class itself. A basic example would be defining a Runnable that executes a Python method:

class PyRunnable:
    def run(self): print('running!')

A more complicated example would be to implement the List interface, partially listed here:

class PyList:
	lst = None # any Python fields must be specified in the class otherwise they will be un-settable

    # All public and protected constructors in the superclass (in this case java.lang.Object
    # which has a single, parameter-less constructor) are implemented and forward to the
    # `__init__` method. This method must be able to accept any possible combination of
    # arguments from those constructors. If not provided, then a default, do-nothing,
    # `__init__` method is provided.
    def __init__(self):
        self.lst = []
    @jvm.param(object) # all parameters must be listed
    @jvm.return(bool)  # these use the same format that methods/constructor lookups use
    def add(self, e):
        return True

    @jvm.override('run') # Java can have multiple methods with the same name but not in Python
    # the above statement will override an `add` method even though it is called `insert`
    @jvm.param(int)      # first argument
    @jvm.param(object)   # second argument
    # could also do both at the same time: @jvm.param(int, object)
    # no @jvm.return(...) means void
    @jvm.throws(java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException) # technically unnecessary
    def insert(self, i, e):
        if i < 0 or i >= len(self.lst): raise java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException()
        self.lst.insert(i, e)
    # The rest of the methods... if any abstract or interface method is left unimplemented,
    # the extension class will be marked "abstract".

Other Methods

A few other methods and utilities are available in the J and jvm modules:

  • jvm.get_java_class(classname) - Gets the JavaClass for a given fully-qualified Java class name
  • with jvm.synchronized(obj): ... - Equivilent of the Java synchronized block on the object
  • jvm.unbox(obj) - unboxes a Java primitive wrapper, or returns the object as-is if it isn't a wrapper

Planned Future Enhancements

  • Add java.nio.ByteBuffer and other java.nio.Buffer class templates and conversions for bytes, bytearray, unicode, array.array, buffer-object to them
  • Support buffer protocol for multi-dimensional primitive arrays
  • Support critical buffer access for primitive arrays and either periodically commiting writable buffers or adding a method to commit them
  • Support GUI functions on Mac (supposedly needs some extra work)
  • Make super(...) work as excepted for Java classes using CallNonvirtual<Type>Method and Get/Set<Type>Field [see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-15.html]
  • Method resolution identical to Java
  • Deal with weak references
  • Subclassing Java classes, in particular making wrappers for Python tuple/list, set/frozenset, and dict objects to act as java.util.List, java.util.Set, and java.util.Map objects
  • Re-route System.out, System.err, and System.in to Python sys.stdout, sys.stderr, and sys.stdin
  • Make Java annotations work like Python decorators
  • Pickling of java.lang.Serializable objects
  • Generic types
  • Modules for package and class discovery (new Java 9)


  • Should all JObjects be dealloced before JVM deallocs?
  • Hook JVM exit and abort functions?
  • Automatic property generation from get/set functions?
  • Use PyBuffer_SizeFromFormat instead of struct.calcsize?