
Rest API complete project build in NodeJS & Express. It is a very tiny project which is representing the way of utilization of nodeJS to build a quick REST API for web and mobile application with keeping usability. Here I have used most of the important techniques to make secure API end points, user authentication along with the resource accessibility for authorize users, Signup, SignIn mechanism etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NoodeJS Complete REST API

Rest API complete project build in NodeJS & Express

Config file contents are not added due to keep privacy of the Database and App Key. The possible contents are as follows:

files contents: config/ appConst.js { exports.MONGODB_URI = "mongodb+srv://dbconnectionURL/blog"; exports.APP_KEY = "app_sceret_to_encrypt_jwt"; }

Post Man Collection for Request: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/8734310/Szf6YUN2

Documentation is enclosed inside the content for reference