
A Pytorch implementation of EfficientDet

Primary LanguagePython


image image image image

Pytorch implementtation of EfficientDet object detection as described in EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection

This implementation is a very simple version without many data augmentation.

The EfficientNet code are borrowed from the A PyTorch implementation of EfficientNet,if you want to train EffcicientDet from scratch,you should load the efficientnet pretrained parameter. use

python train.py --coco_path '/home/hoo/Dataset/COCO' --backbon 'efficientnet-b0' --backbone_pretrained True

and the efficientnet pretrainied parameter will be download and load automatically, and start to train.

I've only trained efficientdet-d0 so far,and without many data augmentation.if you want to load efficientnet pretrained parameter,use

python train.py --coco_path '/home/hoo/Dataset/COCO' --backbone 'efficientnet-b0' --backbone_pretrained False --EfficientDet_pretrained True --pretrained './weights/efficientdet_0.pth'
Model mAP pre_trained
efficientdet-d0 25.9% download

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