👨🏼💻😉 Don't judge the code
This Git Repo contains all my files that I have created over the "years" in competitive programming! Hope this can help you on you as well.
I personally use vim/vscode to write my programs and use VScode's Code Runner extension to run my c++ programs.
To let code runner run in the terminal (so that you can write to the input) add
"code-runner.runInTerminal": true
I also have a fish shell alias so i can run run file
# run c++ programs
function run -d "Compiles and Run c++ program with gcc `run <name>`"
g++ -std=c++11 -O2 $argv[1].cpp -o $argv[1] -Wall && ./$argv[1]
to your settings.json on vscode or add
nnoremap <C-c> :!g++ -o %:r.out % -std=c++11<Enter>
nnoremap <C-x> :!./%:r.out
to your .vimrc to help you easily compile and run c++.